Alexis karpouzos


The earth ponders
1 min read

The earth ponders,
'I feel, a thousand deaths on my body,
no more flowers left to bloom,
no more harvest to reap,
tears have become irony'.
The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers,
'I am so yours'.
The earth wonders,
'How could that be.
You are boundless.
You have so starries jewels in your treasure,
stars, suns and moons,  
and I, I am little, I have no light'.
And the sky replies,
'Haven't you noticed?
Your bosom is as green
and your heart glisterning in trampled darkness'.


PUBLISHED: Nov 09, 2023


Written By
Alexis karpouzos
Alexis Karpouzos (Greek: αλέξης καρπούζος) is an internationally recognized Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher and Author. He is the Founder of the International Community of Learning, Research and Culture in Greece.
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