Daughter to Father Poems After Death

Bisera Apostolova
Eternal love and remembrance for my father, Orco, whose absence fills my heart with both longing and enduring love. Always and forever, your little Bisera. 🖤
5 min read
Table of contents
Echoes in Empty Rooms
The Man of My Memories
A Void Filled with You
Unspoken Words in the Air
The Fabric of Your Absence

Echoes in Empty Rooms

In every corner of my heart,
Your laughter still resounds,
I feel the absence, Dad,
A silence that knows no bounds.

Photographs in frames
Capture moments, but not your soul,
Your absence is a gaping hole,
A missing puzzle, not quite whole.

I look into my children's eyes,
A boy and girl you'll never meet,
And yet, your legacy's discreet,
Your love, a melody so sweet.

The way you'd hold me close,
I feel in every hug I give,
You're in the lessons that I live,
In every chance, I have to give.

I speak your wisdom to my kids,
A tale, a lesson, a joke, a quip,
Your love's a script I cannot skip,
A lifelong, never-ending trip.

I miss you when the nights are long,
I miss you when the sun ascends,
My father, one of my best friends,
My heart still seeks the amends.

The years will pass, my hair will gray,
But your love won't fade away,
In my heart, you'll always stay,
Dad, I miss you every day.

The Man of My Memories

Your strength, a fortress I can't find,
Yet it’s etched within my mind,
A sanctuary once so real,
Now just a longing I still feel.

Mother's gone, fifteen years past,
You followed her, time moves so fast,
I'm caught in between, as you both depart,
A wanderer in the realm of heart.

I turn to my spouse, share a knowing glance,
Knowing you'd love him, if given a chance,
In his love, your absence I bear,
Wishing for moments, you all could share.

My son has your smile, a radiant gleam,
My daughter your kindness, a beautiful dream,
Though you're not here, your spirit's near,
In every giggle, I hear you, clear.

I lost you too early, a battle so long,
A warrior you were, both fierce and strong,
Yet, it's the quiet moments that make me weep,
When the world's asleep, and thoughts run deep.

Not a day goes by, your face I don't see,
In mirrors, in gestures, in my own decree,
You live on in me, and so it shall be,
My love as your daughter, my eternal decree.

Each day's a tribute to the love we knew,
An altar of the past, both somber and true,
Dad, you’re not gone, just out of sight,
A star in my sky, my darkness and light.

A Void Filled with You

In the space of absence  

The walls seem to close in  

Yet it is in this very constraint  

That I find you.

You met my husband,  

But your laughter never filled my children’s ears.  

There's so much of you in them,  

Qualities you’d love, echoes of your spirit.

My hands follow the rituals you once performed,  

Making meals, tucking them in,  

Every gesture, every touch  

A silent dialogue between us.

You died two years ago,  

Your fight a struggle of wills,  

A testament to resilience.  

I wonder what you’d say now, looking at me.

In the emptiness of loss,  

I find your teachings,  

Your principles, your very essence  

Guiding me still.

You missed my boy's first steps,  

My girl's first word.  

Yet they know you through me,  

And for that, I find solace.

Your absence is an unending conversation,  

Your life a monologue in my heart.  

In every room, in every thought,  

There you are.

Unspoken Words in the Air

15 years without Mother,  

2 without you.  

Time stretches, a landscape barren  

Yet rich with memories of you.

You didn’t walk me down the aisle,  

No speeches, no shared champagne.  

Yet I felt you there,  

In every held breath and teardrop.

I miss your counsel, your wisdom,  

Especially now, when life swirls with challenges.  

I look for you in old letters, faded photos,  

In the hushed air between my spoken words.

Sometimes my grief is a silent room,  

Other times it's loud, a clamoring bell.  

Yet it's in these moments of intense quiet,  

That I hear you most.

I have your smile, your stubbornness,  

Traits I pass down to my own.  

Though you are gone,  

Your life is a continuing story in mine.

I carry your lessons like sacred texts,  

Your values, a compass guiding me through darkness.  

In the absence, in the quiet, in the gaps between my days,  

You are there.

The Fabric of Your Absence

In the tapestry of my life,
Each thread is a day you missed,
A moment where your absence is a shadow,
Casting its form on all that I do.

Two years since you left,
Your battle with cancer, a weary end,
Yet the way you faced it
Becomes my courage, my mettle, my fortitude.

Married now, two kids, a boy and a girl,
Life blooms in the soil of your absence.
I teach them kindness, resilience,
But always, there's a lesson missing—yours.

I've built a world you've never seen,
Each success and failure, each joy and sorrow
Lands on the fabric of a life you can't share,
Yet, somehow, I feel you in it all.

In quiet moments, your voice returns,
Not as an echo but as a feeling,
A knowing that courses through me,
Like an underground river, unseen but ever present.

You left before my life's grand moments,
But you shaped me for them,
In your absence, you prepared me
For a world I must navigate alone.

And so, I weave the fabric of my days,
Every thread a tribute to you.
In my laughter, my tears, my silent prayers,
You continue to be, a part of my forever tapestry.

PUBLISHED: Aug 30, 2023
Written By
Bisera Apostolova
Digital whisperer by day, professional beach bum by weekend. Runs on code, caffeine, and unconditional love from family and furballs. Workaholic? More like worka-LOL-ic! If my life had a control-alt-delete, I'd still choose to reboot at the beach. #TechTanLines
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