Happy Birthday My Dear Husband

Bisera Apostolova


Today is August 28, a date that holds an extraordinary significance in my life. It's the day that the love of my life, my partner, my confidant, Vanja, was born. This isn't just any poem; it's a tribute, an ode to the incredible man I have the privilege to call my husband. Please read on!
3 min read
Table of contents
The Infinite Dimensions of Vanja at 32

The Infinite Dimensions of Vanja at 32

You are not a mere compilation of years,  

Not just 32 candles on a cake or numbers in an age box.  

You are the morning light that filters through our curtains,  

The steady hum in the orchestra of our everyday life.

You are the branches and the roots of our family tree,  

With veins running rich with love and hands built for holding—  

Holding our children,  

Holding me,  

Holding onto moments that can’t be captured, only felt.

32 seasons have come and gone,  

Leaving their indelible marks on you like rings on a steadfast oak.  

You've touched summer suns and winter snows,  

Felt spring’s optimism and autumn’s reflective pause.

You are a lexicon of shared experiences,  

Our secret language—inside jokes, knowing glances.  

You know how to make me laugh until I can't breathe,  

And how to hold me when breath feels like a luxury.

The dad jokes, the bedtime stories, the scraped knees and life lessons—  

You're the narrator of our family chronicles.  

You are the safety net and the launching pad,  

The place from which our children will explore their worlds.  

Here, at this moment, you are a beacon—  

Illuminating the path of our past and casting light into our future.  

You are the parchment where our story is written,  

In ink, in pencil, in tears, in laughter.

You are the composer and conductor of our domestic symphony.  

Melodies of weekend soccer games, harmonies of a shared glass of wine after bedtime.  

You set the rhythm, the tempo,  

Even when life plays unexpected tunes.

In you, I find an alchemy of love and strength—  

A blend of patience, courage, humor, and sacrifice.  

You are the garden, the well, the fire, the home.  

You are the mountain and the valley, the ocean and the shore.

At 32, you stand at an extraordinary vantage point.  

Behind you, years marked by triumphs and trials,  

Ahead, a vista of potential and promise.  

In this moment, I see you fully—  

A man, a partner, a father,  

Brimming with complexity and simply, profoundly,  


So, this day is more than a birthday—  

It's an exclamation point in the long sentence of our lives.  

A moment to pause, reflect, celebrate—  

To bask in the profound ordinary magic that is you,  


Wishing you the happiest of 32nd birthdays. Here's to many more chapters in our endless book.

Forever yours, 

Bisera ♥️

PUBLISHED: Aug 28, 2023


Written By
Bisera Apostolova
Digital whisperer by day, professional beach bum by weekend. Runs on code, caffeine, and unconditional love from family and furballs. Workaholic? More like worka-LOL-ic! If my life had a control-alt-delete, I'd still choose to reboot at the beach. #TechTanLines
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Martin Dejnicki
Aug 28, 2023
Beautiful poem Bisera. Thank you for sharing.