Poems for Funerals

Clara Hudson
8 min read
Table of contents
Whispering Willows (A Hymn to the timeless South)
Solemn River (A Journey to Eternal Rest)
Eternal Magnolias (A Symbol of Resilient Love)
Crimson Dawn (The Dawning of Eternity)
The Willow’s Sigh (A Whisper from Beyond)
Gothic Moon (A Tale of Love and Loss)
Southern Gale (The Winds of Change and Memory)
The Porch Light (A Beacon Through All Seasons)
Sacred Oak (A Testament to Life's Resilience)

Whispering Willows (A Hymn to the timeless South)

Beneath the willow, silence speaks loud.  

Winds carry whispers, draped like a shroud.  

Leaves tell stories, old yet true.  

Southern charm wraps, bids adieu.  

In this earth, love is endowed.

By riverside, magnolias bloom fair.  

Aroma fills the sultry air.  

Petals descend, gracing earth's face.  

A southern tale, full of grace.  

Life’s curtain falls, we're aware.

Ancestral hymns fill sacred ground.  

Gospel tunes form a soothing sound.  

Choirs unite, to sing farewell.  

In every note, emotions swell.  

Here, in soil, peace is found.

Mourning doves coo their sad song.  

An elegy for one who’s gone.  

Yet in sorrow, there's a plea.  

For souls to soar, be set free.  

In heaven’s light, they’ll belong.

Through twilight haze, day says goodnight.  

Above, stars offer their guiding light.  

For our lost, a new dawn waits.  

Beyond earthly bounds, through heaven's gates.  

In our hearts, they’re forever bright.

Solemn River (A Journey to Eternal Rest)

River's flow takes you far away.  

Guiding you through the eternal bay.  

Sunset hues give way to night.  

Gone from sight, but still in light.  

In new dawn, you forever stay.

Tears of heaven fall as rain.  

Each droplet eases a bit of pain.  

Clouds form shapes in sorrow's hue.  

Heaven's way to say adieu.  

Through each loss, something to gain.

Moss hangs low, a southern veil.  

Life's fleeting mist turns very frail.  

Gothic pines cast shadows long.  

A setting for our farewell song.  

In sacred soil, your tale we hail.

Moonlight dances on your grave.  

Southern stars your memory save.  

Magnolias drop petals pure.  

In each fall, love does endure.  

Your soul, no darkness can enslave.

In sorrow's depth, we find some peace.  

Realizing love will never cease.  

Gospel songs fill the air.  

Reminding us you're in God's care.  

A soul released, finding its lease.

Eternal Magnolias (A Symbol of Resilient Love)

Magnolia petals descend so slow.  

On your grave, love's seeds we sow.  

Time may wilt, but not erase.  

Memories stay in sacred place.  

From love's root, new life may grow.

Nature whispers, the South does weep.  

Under willows, eternal sleep.  

Magnolias watch as we pray.  

Their roots deep, much like your stay.  

Their scent, a memory we'll keep.

Sorrow comes, like evening's shade.  

In this space, your form's displayed.  

But know this, as days unfold.  

Like magnolias, your tale is gold.  

Your impact will never fade.

Choir sings as we all grieve.  

In their tones, a web they weave.  

Each note floats, like petals do.  

A floral hymn, for we few.  

In each word, we find reprieve.

As we leave, stars take the stage.  

Marking passage to another age.  

Though you're gone, in night's cool breath,  

Life continues beyond this death.  

You're now free from earthly cage.

Crimson Dawn (The Dawning of Eternity)

In crimson dawn, you took your leave.  

Leaving us here alone to grieve.  

Though we weep, skies seem to know,  

Radiant hues in sorrow show.  

In our hearts, you still achieve.

Sunlight graces your resting place.  

Vivid hues can't fill empty space.  

Yet they try, in simple ways,  

Painting warmth on darkest days.  

In their rays, we find your face.

Though you’re gone, we feel you near.  

In each dawn, your love is clear.  

Rising high, as you have done.  

Your new life has just begun.  

Daybreak whispers, "Do not fear."

Sky’s red hues fade into blue.  

Much like we must learn to do.  

Life moves on, the sun will climb.  

But you're with us, for all time.  

In each dawn, we’ll think of you.

Solemn faces look towards the sky.  

Bidding you their last goodbye.  

Though sun rises, you have set.  

In our hearts, there’s no regret.  

In new dawns, your soul will fly.

The Willow’s Sigh (A Whisper from Beyond)

Beneath willow, a soft sigh heard.  

Echoing like a spoken word.  

Leaves quiver, in the gentle breeze.  

A momentary soul’s release.  

The boundary of worlds now blurred.

As we stand in mourning's grasp,  

In sorrow's hold, we tightly clasp.  

Yet, the willow speaks to us.  

In its whisper, almost a cuss.  

It says, "Let go, for love's unclasp."

With roots so deep, it has known,  

Countless souls to heaven flown.  

It assures us, through its sway.  

That you, too, will find your way.  

For you're now on a path homegrown.

Its drooping branches seem to weep,  

Yet in their form, a beauty keep.  

Even when shedding tear-like dew,  

A hidden strength comes to accrue.  

This wisdom, in our hearts, we'll keep.

Through its sighs, a message clear.  

“Life’s transient, yet love is near.”  

A message from the one we miss.  

Brought to us in nature's kiss.  

A whisper, saying “Have no fear.”

Gothic Moon (A Tale of Love and Loss)

In moon’s glow, gothic tales unfold.  

Of Southern charm, and spirits bold.  

Each shadow holds a hidden lore.  

A life once lived, evermore.  

In night’s arms, your story’s told.

By the tombstone, inscribed your name.  

Our love for you, forever the same.  

Though you've crossed to unknown lands.  

We reach out with trembling hands.  

Holding onto love's lasting flame.

Candles flicker on marble stone.  

As we stand here, feeling alone.  

Yet, the moon whispers a tale.  

A love that will never fail.  

In each phase, your spirit’s shown.

Moonlit roses in bloom nearby.  

Their scent consoles the teary eye.  

Even in darkest night’s embrace,  

Beauty exists in solemn grace.  

A lesson learned, as we say goodbye.

The moon wanes, but love never will.  

A gothic tale, time can’t kill.  

Like eternal moon’s cyclic grace.  

You find peace in heaven’s space.  

In our hearts, you’re present still.

Southern Gale (The Winds of Change and Memory)

Southern gale, through pines it sweeps.  

Over the ground where you now sleep.  

It carries tales of days gone by.  

Of cotton fields, under the sky.  

In its sound, your memories weep.

This southern wind, it seems to know,  

Each part of you we can't let go.  

It tells us to hold memories near,  

And to let go of crippling fear.  

For in its path, flowers grow.

The gale arrives, then moves along.  

Yet leaves behind a whispered song.  

A tune that speaks of your great worth.  

A melody born at your birth.  

In its refrain, you'll forever belong.

As we gather to say farewell,  

In each gust, we find a swell.  

Of memories that will never die.  

Carried forth by winds that sigh.  

Your legacy, no words can tell.

As we leave, the winds subside.  

Yet, in our hearts, you still reside.  

Though you've left, we're not alone.  

In southern gales, your love is shown.  

A force by which we'll always abide.

The Porch Light (A Beacon Through All Seasons)

Porch light dims, your face now missed.  

Yet in its glow, you still exist.  

A beacon on an endless night.  

Guiding us with its gentle light.  

Through its rays, your love’s kissed.

As we stand, in solemn hush.  

Beyond the light, evening’s soft blush.  

The fireflies emerge to dance.  

In this moment, as if a chance.  

Their fleeting light, the evening’s brush.

In Southern homes, porches are more.  

Than wooden planks, or a front door.  

They're a space where love’s declared.  

Where burdens and joys are shared.  

Now, in silence, your essence we store.

We look to the light, and find.  

A symbol of your loving mind.  

Though it dims, when day is done.  

Like you, it waits for morning sun.  

In its cycle, comfort we find.

Light flickers, then holds its gaze.  

Much like you, in life’s complex maze.  

Though you've gone, your light remains.  

In our hearts, it forever reigns.  

Guiding us through the rest of our days.

Sacred Oak (A Testament to Life's Resilience)

Beneath the oak, your name we say.  

Here you rest, on this solemn day.  

Its roots run deep, into the soil.  

Much like your love, that life can't spoil.  

In its shade, our tears lay.

Ancient oak, a testament grand.  

To enduring life, we understand.  

Its branches hold the sky's great weight.  

Much like you faced your mortal fate.  

With dignity, you took your stand.

Each leaf that falls, a tear from sky.  

Each branch that breaks, a nature’s sigh.  

Yet the oak stands, year by year.  

Through every joy, and each sad tear.  

A lesson learned, as we say goodbye.

As we leave, its leaves in poise.  

Rustling as if to make a noise.  

A song perhaps, sung just for you.  

A tune made from the morning dew.  

In its music, we find small joys.

This sacred oak, under its wing.  

Holds the promise of another spring.  

Though you've gone, and we're apart.  

Like the oak, you’re in our heart.  

In its cycle, your love will cling.

PUBLISHED: Sep 21, 2023
Written By
Clara Hudson
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