Revenge is a confession of pain, not a display of strength.
Those who plot the downfall of others often dig their own graves.
Forgiveness is the scalpel that carves the path to a peaceful heart.
The sweetest revenge is to thrive without the shadow of spite in your soul.
Revenge is a wildfire that consumes the forest of your own peace of mind.
As the seeds of revenge grow, the flowers of humanity wither.
The echo of revenge is often louder than the cry for justice.
When you choose revenge, you turn the key to your own prison.
Let go of revenge, for it is a burden too heavy for a heart seeking serenity.
The road of revenge leads to the graveyard of regrets.
Vengeance is a dish that poisons the soul of the one who serves it.
He who seeks revenge should remember to dig two graves.
Revenge can masquerade as justice, but its true face is chaos.
There is no wisdom in revenge, only the illusion of power.
In the endless cycle of revenge, forgiveness is the only true liberation.
An act of revenge has a ripple that can turn into a tsunami of sorrow.
Revenge is the language of the wounded ego, not the enlightened soul.
To seek revenge may seem sweet, but to seek forgiveness is to taste freedom.
Give not your enemies the satisfaction of seeing you dance to the tune of revenge.
Revenge is a hollow victory that fills the heart with ashes.
True power lies not in retaliation, but in mastering one's reaction.
Forgiveness starves revenge of its supposed glory.
Reflection, not revenge, is the lamp that illuminates the path to growth.
The poison of revenge outlives the satisfaction of its taste.
The armor of revenge is brittle, cracked by the slightest touch of mercy.
He who wears the cloak of revenge must be prepared to be blinded by its darkness.
Revenge may wound your adversary, but it will scar your soul.
The compass that leads to revenge circles back to the seeker's own demise.
Retaliation is a blade with two edges; it cuts both the giver and the receiver.
Divest from revenge, and invest in the resilient stock of resilience.
The currency of revenge is costly, and it buys you a life of spiritual bankruptcy.
Revenge depletes the reserves of compassion in the heart's treasury.
Mercy is the antidote to the venomous bite of revenge.
When the dust of revenge settles, all that's left is remorse and regret.
Choose empathy over enmity, for in revenge there is no true victory.
May your reaction to offense be healing, not wounding, thus defusing the cycle of revenge.
Revenge turns the wheel of torment; forgiveness breaks the chain.
An eye for an eye in revenge soon leaves the whole world blind.
Revenge is a serpent that whispers lies of empowerment but leaves you powerless.
One who angers you controls you, but with forgiveness, you dismantle their throne.
Revenge ages the soul prematurely, leaving bitterness where beauty could bloom.
Revenge, the quicksand of the soul, is easy to step into but hard to escape.
Beware the allure of revenge; it is a siren that leads to the rocks of despair.
Justice is served cold, but revenge is a meal that burns the house down.
Revenge may feel like a sprint to victory, but forgiveness is the marathon to peace.
In the theater of life, choose not to audition for the role of avenger.
Seek not to be the architect of revenge, but the bridge builder to reconciliation.
When revenge knocks at your door, let wisdom answer and send it away.
Foster not the darkness of revenge, for it will eclipse the light of inner peace.
Revenge may stutter justice, but it cannot speak its true language.
A heart set on revenge is blind to the beauty of forgiveness.
Let the fires of revenge be quenched by the waters of understanding.
Neither the ink of scholars nor the blood of martyrs is found in the ledger of revenge.
Even the sweetest fruit of revenge turns to ash in the mouth of the wise.
To cross the river of wrongdoing, build a bridge of forgiveness rather than a barricade of revenge.
Revenge is the dry desert where the seeds of peace perish.
The shadows of revenge are dispelled in the light of compassion.
The scales of karma tip not in favor of those who weigh them down with revenge.
Those who dine on revenge must swallow the aftertaste of isolation.
Revenge, the dealer of deceit, always rigs the game against you.
Emancipate yourself from the chains of revenge and wear the garland of grace instead.
In seeking revenge, you become hostage to the haunting ghost of grievance.
The wrath of revenge might shatter the mirror, but cannot erase the reflection of your actions.
The seeds of vengeance never grow the fruit of happiness.
Those who water the plants with the rain of revenge will never see them flourish.
He who sets a trap of revenge often catches his own foot in its jaws.
Where revenge builds walls, forgiveness lays bridges.
Revenge lingers long after the sweetness of victory fades to bitter regret.
The clock of revenge ticks away the hours of your own life, not your adversary's.
Every step toward revenge is a step away from inner peace.
Defeating your enemy with revenge is a victory over them but a defeat to your character.
Revenge is the arsonist that sets ablaze the very home of your tranquility.
The storm of revenge may rage, but the calm of forgiveness will prevail.
By plotting revenge, you write the pages of your own downfall.
Engage not in the duel of revenge; for even the victor sustains wounds.
Revenge can hijack the mind, but the spirit is reclaimed through forgiveness.
Revenge is an untamed beast that, once freed, devours the liberator.
Take not the forked path of revenge, for it leads deep into the forest of loss.
Do not feed the fire of revenge, lest it consume the kindling of your own soul.
Cultivate the garden of your life with seeds of forgiveness, not with the thorns of revenge.
The stormy seas of revenge are navigated by ships without rudders.
Dwell not in the dungeon of revenge, for the key to the castle lies in the light of letting go.