Poems about Death of a Loved One

Keisha Wallace
Every day, I still long for you.
8 min read
Table of contents
Whispers in the Silent Night
Gone, Yet Forever Near
Echoes of Love's Embrace
Stars Alight with Memories
Moonlit Memories, Love's Elegy
Whispers of Love in Daylight
Footprints of Love in Every Step
Echoes of Your Laughter in Memories

Whispers in the Silent Night

In the darkness, your presence fades,

A void where love once brightly glowed.

Tears fall like rain, hearts in shades,

Memories linger, a cherished abode.

In dreams, your smile, a guiding light,

Through endless night, you take flight.

In the silence, your laughter's gone,

Echoes remain, sweet and strong.

Yet in our souls, you still dawn,

A melody of love's endless song.

In the quiet of the night's soft grace,

Your memory lingers, a warm embrace.

The stars above, they softly weep,

As we navigate these waters deep.

But in our hearts, forever keep,

Your love's treasure, a promise to keep.

In the stillness, your spirit nears,

Wiping away our lonely tears.

The moonlight bathes us in its glow,

As we learn to let your presence grow.

Though you've embarked on a path we don't know,

Your love within us continues to flow.

In the whispers of the silent night,

We find solace in your eternal light.

Through every season, every year,

Your memory remains crystal clear.

In our hearts, you're ever near,

Guiding us through each doubt and fear.

In the tapestry of our lives, you're weaved,

In the quiet moments, your love retrieved.

So, in the darkness, we'll find our way,

As your love brightens our night and day.

Though you've taken a different journey, they say,

In our hearts, you forever stay.

In the quiet of the night's soft grace,

Your memory lingers, a warm embrace.

Gone, Yet Forever Near

In the silent night, stars above,

Shine with the radiance of your love.

Though you've left us, flown like a dove,

In our hearts, you fit like a glove.

Your memory dances in the moonlight,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Absent in body, yet always here,

In our thoughts, you're forever near.

Through the pain, through every tear,

Your love's embrace erases our fear.

In the stillness, you're our guiding light,

Shining through the darkest night.

Amidst the echoes of your laughter,

In the quiet moments we chase after,

Your spirit lingers, a cherished rafter,

In our souls, you're the heart's drafter.

In our dreams, you're a soothing sight,

Glimmering through the darkest night.

In the stories we recount and share,

Your presence, in every memory, we wear.

Though you've taken a different stair,

In our hearts, you'll eternally care.

In the verses of our lives, you write,

Illuminating the darkest night.

Through the seasons, as years flow by,

Your love remains an endless sky.

In the depths of our sighs, you lie,

A star that never says goodbye.

In our hearts, you're an unwavering light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

 Echoes of Love's Embrace

In the garden's bloom, you're near,

Your essence in every flower, clear.

Though you've left, we hold you dear,

In every petal, your love appears.

Nature's canvas, your colors ignite,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

In the rustle of leaves, we find,

Whispers of you in the gentle wind.

Though you're gone, your love's enshrined,

In each leaf, a message to remind.

Amidst the trees, your presence is right,

Shining through the darkest night.

Among the stars that gently gleam,

Your spirit wanders in the cosmic stream.

Though you've embarked on a different dream,

In our hearts, you're a radiant beam.

In the vast universe's boundless sight,

You navigate the darkest night.

Through the changing seasons' sway,

Your memory won't wither or decay.

In our hearts, you forever stay,

In every dawn's brand-new day.

In the tapestry of life, you're the light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Stars Alight with Memories

In the stillness of the night's expanse,

We seek your love, your gentle glance.

Though you've departed, in our stance,

Your spirit's presence continues to enhance.

Among the stars, your light takes flight,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Beneath the moon's soft, silvery sheen,

Your memory's glow, serene and keen.

Though you've ventured where stars convene,

In our thoughts, your love's the scene.

In the quiet of the moon's soft light,

You shine through the darkest night.

Among the constellations, you reside,

In the cosmic realm, you're our guide.

Though you've taken a celestial ride,

In our hearts, you'll never subside.

In the universe's vast, endless height,

You navigate the darkest night.

Through the changing tides of time,

Your love remains an eternal rhyme.

In our hearts, a beacon to climb,

Through every sorrow and every chime.

In the chapters of life, you're the right,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Moonlit Memories, Love's Elegy

In the gentle moonlight's tender grace,

We find solace in your warm embrace.

Though you've gone to an eternal space,

In our hearts, you hold a sacred place.

Amidst the stars, your love takes flight,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

In the stillness of the night's expanse,

Your love's presence continues to enhance.

Though you've entered the cosmic dance,

In our dreams, you twirl and prance.

Among the constellations shining bright,

You illuminate the darkest night.

Beneath the silvery moon's soft light,

Your memory gleams, a radiant sight.

Though you've embarked on a cosmic flight,

In our thoughts, you're a guiding light.

In the universe's grand celestial height,

You navigate the darkest night.

Through the pages of time's endless book,

Your love's story in our hearts, we took.

Though you've found a different nook,

In our souls, your love's a constant brook.

In the chapters of life, you're our light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Whispers of Love in Daylight

In the bright light of a new day,

Your love's presence, here it'll stay.

Though you've moved on, found your way,

In our hearts, you shine, come what may.

In the gentle breeze, your spirit's flight,

Guiding us toward the warm daylight.

Amidst the beauty of life's grand display,

Your memory we cherish, come what may.

Though you've embarked on a different array,

In our thoughts, you're the light's array.

In the daytime's glow, your love feels right,

Leading us through the sun's warm light.

Among the flowers, where colors play,

Your essence dances, forever in sway.

Though you've taken a different pathway,

In our souls, you're never far away.

In the whispered wind, your presence's might,

Guiding us through the day so bright.

Through the chapters of life's endless story,

Your love remains our endless glory.

Though you've embarked on a different journey,

In our hearts, you're a cherished memory.

In the daylight's embrace, your love takes flight,

Guiding us through each moment, ever so bright.

 Footprints of Love in Every Step

In each path we tread, you're near,

Your love's footprints forever appear.

Though you're not here, we hold you dear,

In our journey, you're crystal clear.

In every step we take, you're our light,

Guiding us through life, day or night.

Amidst life's winding, complex maze,

Your memory ignites, a constant blaze.

Though you've parted on your own phase,

In our thoughts, your love we praise.

In each stride we make, your presence's height,

Illuminating our way, shining so bright.

Among the moments life bestows,

Your essence in every heartbeat flows.

Though you've embarked where no one knows,

In our hearts, your love steadily glows.

In each move we take, your love takes flight,

Guiding us through our unique and shared plight.

Through the story of our intertwined souls,

Your love remains our endless goals.

Though you've embarked on different roles,

In our existence, you're the harmonious scrolls.

In each act we perform, your love is our light,

Illuminating our days, in our hearts so right.

Echoes of Your Laughter in Memories

In the laughter that still echoes here,

Your spirit lives, forever near.

Though your presence may have disappeared,

In our hearts, you're always here.

In the memories we keep so tight,

You guide us through life, day and night.

Amidst the pages of our shared story,

Your love remains our eternal glory.

Though you've ventured into another territory,

In our essence, you're the heartfelt allegory.

In the moments we cherish and hold tight,

Your love shines on, a radiant light.

Among the chapters of our intertwined fate,

Your influence continues to resonate.

Though you've crossed through a different gate,

In our existence, you're our constant trait.

In every step we take, your love takes flight,

Guiding us through life, shining so bright.

Through the journey of our complex design,

Your love endures, eternally fine.

Though you've embarked on a path undefined,

In our hearts, you're a cherished sign.

In the stories we tell, your love feels right,

Illuminating our lives, like day and night.

PUBLISHED: Oct 16, 2023
Written By
Keisha Wallace
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