50th Anniversary Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Today I’ll write a 50th anniversary poem for all those happily married couples that managed to get along and stay together for 50 long years. That’s a huge accomplishment in my view. Not only does a couple need to love each other very much to reach this milestone, but they also need to remain healthy enough and actually manage to live to that ripe old age of 80+ (unless of course they get married in their 20s).
2 min read

50 and More


its been fifty years,

We’re so happy,

with joyful tears.

You both deserve,

lots of praise,

Loved each other,

for countless days.

For younger generations,

you’re a great example,

Is there a potion

or a small sample?

We wish you the best,

plus 50 and more,

You’ve both achieved,

a wonderful score.

by Martin Dejnicki

It’s be a truly fantastic feeling to be able to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary. When a couple reaches that milestone it tells me a lot about their character and wisdom.

The fiftieth anniversary is also known as the golden anniversary. I just realized that’s half a century. Wow, that must be amazing. This anniversary revolves around the color of gold. So gifts and decorations should be match this theme.

I think it would also be nice to create a nice photo slideshow that would include moments and memories from all 50 years of marriage.

PUBLISHED: Oct 05, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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