50th Birthday Poems

Martin Dejnicki
Feel free to select one of these unique and rhyming 50th birthday poems to share with someone on their 50th birthday. It's a huge milestone and they certainly deserve the attention.
5 min read
Table of contents
A Funny 50th Birthday Poem
Happy 50th Birthday Poem for a Friend
A 50th Birthday Poem for Women
50th Birthday Poem for Men

More often than not, a 50th birthday is organized as surprise. This makes a lot of sense, especially since it's such an important milestone in one's life.

That's the reason, I decided to talk about a surprise in the first poem.

The last stanza is also meant to remind us all that we should continue to showcase our "youthful enthusiasm" beyond our 50th birthday.

What I'm trying to say is that, we can live and act young our entire lives. I'm reaching my mid-thirties and I still act like a 5 year old, half the time (if not more). Maybe when I reach fifty, I'll act like a 10 year old. But I think my permanent range is somewhere between 2 and 7, lol.

50th Surprise

Happy 50th birthday,

with this half century surprise.

It was a priceless moment,

that look in your eyes.

We're all gathered here,

since we love you and care.

In your fifty sweet years,

we're so excited to share.

This special celebration,

we shall not take lightly.

Many hugs will arrive,

warm and quite tightly.

You've had fifty years to prepare,

a Sinatra style speech.

As you speak from your heart,

the young you will teach.

Your successes we'll measure,

not through your bank amount.

But by your many blessings,

as we sit here and count.

Happy 50th birthday,

with this half century surprise.

May your youthful enthusiasm continue,

as you reach for the skies.

By Martin Dejnicki

A Funny 50th Birthday Poem

Let's try to switch things up with the next poem. The first one was cute and sentimental. So let's make this next one funny. I strongly believe that every 50 year old should have a well-developed sense of humour by that age.

A Living Success

Welcome to the beginning,

of youth of old age.

Wrinkles and hair loss,

have escaped from their cage.

To look back at the past,

there's no rational aim.

Gravity is winning,

the fight with your frame.

This 50th celebration,

was not a request.

For family and friends,

it's simply a test.

All of your moves,

they'll examine precisely,

and measure your waistline,

not very nicely.

From this day forward,

if you showcase ambition.

You'll certainly require,

the doctor's permission.

Just take it easy,

there's no need to stress.

In the 17th century,

you'd be a living success.

By Martin Dejnicki

I think that one turned out pretty good. What do you think?

I also think it would be a very nice addition to one of those funny 50th birthday greeting cards. You know what I'm talking about, the ones with those funny jokes. Well I think it has the potential to make everyone at the party laugh (if read out loud).

Happy 50th Birthday Poem for a Friend

The next one is a happy 50th birthday poem that you may share with a close friend.

Dance in the Rain

Happy 50th birthday,

we cheerfully extend.

To the most wonderful person,

and loving dear friend.

We hope all your wishes,

certainly come true.

Our bond and our friendship,

through the years has just grew.

Happy 50th birthday,

with good health that shall last.

May joy fill your heart,

when you think of the past.

Your values and dreams,

we shall always support.

These words and this poem,

is forever too short.

Happy 50th birthday,

to us you are dear.

You bring joy to our souls,

whenever you're near.

Till the end of our days,

our friend you'll remain.

You've turned only fifty,

so go dance in the rain.

By Martin Dejnicki

You could also use this poem as a unique toast or part of a speech. Or simply include it with the gift. I'm sure you could think of many other ideas that I haven't mentioned.

A 50th Birthday Poem for Women

Here's a 50th birthday poem that you may share with all those amazing women in your life. Share it with your mom, wife, sister, aunt, close friend or anyone else that is celebrating their 50th.


Your 50th birthday,

is like a second bloom.

You bring excitement and joy,

when you enter a room.

Elegance and beauty,

is your natural theme.

From an enchanted place,

in a faraway dream.

You have proven that true beauty,

awakens with age.

I know you're prepared,

to turn this next page.

Your humble soft nature,

is just like a rose.

Confidence and beauty,

it mutually shows.

Under the sunshine of life,

so gentle you seem.

But those who may challenge you,

always end with a scream.

It's your 50th birthday,

and we're enjoying your bloom.

The scent of your passions,

we shall gladly consume.

By Martin Dejnicki

50th Birthday Poem for Men

The last verse is a 50th birthday poem for men. One of my younger uncles is turning fifty soon, and I'm hoping to share this one with him.


To find you old man,

must look over the hill.

You should begin,

writing your will.

If you think that cruel,

just look at your grey hairs.

Try to get used to,

those puzzled shocked stares.

You're not 50,

just $49 plus tax.

To communicate,

you still use a fax.

So how does it feel,

with a half century behind?

Maybe it's time,

to simply be kind?

But what's the hardest lesson,

till fifty you've learned?

You worked your butt off,

for every dollar you've earned.

It's sad that your candles,

cost more than the cake.

Today is your 50th,

so go kill a steak.

By Martin Dejnicki

That was the last 50th birthday poem from this section. Hope you found one that fits your situation and will bring joy to that brand new fifty year old.

PUBLISHED: Oct 02, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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