A Funny Love Poem

Martin Dejnicki
2 min read

Not all love poems need to be serious or just sentimental and romantic. This morning, my goal is to write a funny love poem that couples may share with each other.

I strongly believe that humor is a very important ingredient in any relationship. Without it, life may get too serious and even mundane.

Anyways, have fun sharing the funny love poem featured below. I hope it will make the love of your life laugh today or whenever you decide to share it (maybe Valentine’s Day?).

Our Love

I’m truly grateful,

I can’t complain.

The love that we share,

has infected my brain.

Precious sweet love,

others can’t find.

But we managed to find it,

it’s crazy and blind.

I’m not saying at all,

that our love is weird.

But if it was alive,

it’d have horns and a beard.

The bottom line is

I love you and care.

We certainly make,

a wacky old pair.

You kiss like a monkey,

allow me to share.

When you get upset,

you scream like a bear.

All jokes aside,

I love you my dear.

I know you shall serve me,

for the rest of the year.

by Martin Dejnicki

Have fun sharing that one with your significant other, whether that’s your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife. I’m sure it will make the love of your life laugh.

Eventually, I would like to create a whole section dedicated to funny love poetry. This will consist of at least 10 funny love poems for you to choose from. In the meantime, hope you enjoyed this one.



PUBLISHED: Oct 04, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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