A Poem About Courage

Martin Dejnicki
In this poem the essence of bravery is captured as an inner light that guides us through fear and adversity, empowering us to rise stronger with each challenge we face.
1 min read

Flame of Courage


 Courage is a flame that burns so bright,

A beacon shining through the darkest night.

It whispers softly when all hope seems lost,

A voice that guides us, no matter the cost.

It’s standing tall when fear grips your soul,

Facing the tempest, staying in control.

Though doubts may rise like shadows in the wind,

Courage is the strength that comes from within.

It’s not the absence of fear we must find,

But pressing forward with a steadfast mind.

Through trials and tears, through joy and through pain,

Courage is the will to rise once again.

So let your heart be bold, and never cower,

For courage grows in every passing hour.

With every step, you'll find you’ve won the fight,

For courage is the dawn after the night.

By Martin Dejnicki

PUBLISHED: Sep 06, 2024
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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