A Poem About Losing A Friend

Martin Dejnicki
1 min read

Today’s featured poem is about losing a friend. We have all experienced the horrible and helpless feelings of losing a friend. I hope this poem expresses those feelings.

Past Forever

My scattered thoughts,

are a struggle to explain.

In the midst of them all,

prevails sorrow and pain.

Our wonderful memories,

I’m striving to draw.

As wet tears of loss,

drip down my soaked jaw.

What holds me together,

is the friendship we shared.

Understood each other,

and mutually cared.

Now that you’re gone,

I feel lost and alone.

Wish we could talk,

right now on the phone.

In my wounded heart,

you have a home and place.

My mind is filled,

with your voice and your face.

My thoughts of you,

shall cease – never.

I will miss you so dearly,

way past forever.

by Martin Dejnicki

PUBLISHED: Oct 09, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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