A Poem about Marriage

Martin Dejnicki
I’ve been married for several years now, so I’m pretty sure I’m qualified to write a poem about marriage. Maybe I’m not as qualified as someone who’s been married for 60 years, but I’m pretty sure I understand the art of marriage fairly well.
2 min read


A successful marriage,

requires effort and care,

You must be willing,

to be open and share.

It’s not about,

winning or losing,

You won’t get far,

if you’re into accusing.

A marriage allows you,

to spill all your guts,

Your spouse will be there,

to mend all your cuts.

It’s a true pleasure to be

loved dearly and be real close,

To someone that understands you

and especially knows.

A marriage is basically,

like a doubles match,

When you find the right one,

you’ll know it’s a great catch.

by Martin Dejnicki

You may also replace the last two lines of the last stanza to:

When her back itches,

Just smile and scratch.

For those of us who are married, we understand that marriage is definitely not a walk in the park. It takes lots effort and commitment to make it work properly. It requires plenty of unselfishness, empathy, and a great set of ears (for listening purposes).

I hear stories all the time of couples struggling through the first few years of marriage. This is normal, since couples use this time to learn more about one another, along with all those annoying little bad habits that just appeared out of nowhere.

At the end of the day, Marriage is truly a beautiful union. It preaches love, commitment, trust, honesty, and encouragement. I know that being marriage to my wonderful wife, I feel like a better person. She not only inspires me, but also encourages me and believes in me and my dreams. We also share dreams, goals, and many views.

You may be thinking that a couple does not need a piece of paper to feel this way. I agree with you, they don’t. But I just feel with marriage comes a certain amount of responsibility and expectations that are important to me.

Hope you enjoyed today’s poem about marriage.

Best of luck,


PUBLISHED: Oct 05, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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