A Poem About The Weather

Martin Dejnicki
Here’s a poem about the weather that we may all relate to. Depending on where we live, many of us experience a variety of weather conditions from day to day. Well I hope this poem entertains you, and remind you about the unpredictable nature of weather forecasts.
2 min read

Unexpected Weather

Weather depends on the atmosphere

and it’s current state.

Sometimes we love it,

sometimes we hate.

Can we reliably and

routinely predict?

Forecasts are known

to contradict.

At least they can inform us

about hot and cold,

Their precipitation forecasts,

I haven’t been sold.

They say it may be

wet or just dry,

I might as well,

just stare at the sky.

Don’t like when it’s stormy,

I prefer when it’s calm,

I might as well read it,

straight off my palm.

Tell me when to expect,

sunny and clear,

It’s a bit too late,

when those clouds are so near.

Expect the unexpected

with today’s current weather,

Let’s just enjoy it,

we’re in this together.

by Martin Dejnicki

Even with all of this modern technology, it still seems that it’s difficult to predict our day to day weather accurately. Sometimes they say it’s going to rain, but it turns out to be a wonderfully sunny and beautiful days. While other times they tell us it will be sunny, and a storm surprises us while we’re enjoying the afternoon.

I guess over time we get used to our weather and climate conditions where we live. Here in Toronto, I experience four distinct seasons. It snows a lot during the winter, rains enough in the spring, pretty nice (but humid) in the summer, and the fall is nice and cool and refreshing. So I’m the last person that should be complaining.

Others prefer the year round sunny and hot/mild conditions closer to the tropics. I’m sure having very nice weather throughout the year has it’s benefits. It gives people the freedom to enjoy certain activities such as tennis, water-skiing, canoeing, jogging, year round. You’re also not stuck indoors as much, as you’d be in the more temperate regions.

But personally, I prefer the changing seasons, and all the various activities and occasional nuances that accompany them.

Enjoy your weather while it lasts.



PUBLISHED: Oct 10, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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