A Sad Poem About Sorrow and Rain

Martin Dejnicki
This morning was a cold, cloudy, and rainy day. So I took advantage of the outside environment to create visions, which helped me write the following sad poem. It talks about feeling the emotion of sorrow, outside in the rain.
2 min read


Stepped outside

into the rain,

Prepared to erupt

with so much pain.

Why must I be

sorrows keeper?

It’s like a dagger,

that’s pushed in deeper.

Outside, inside,

it became all dark.

The rain poured down,

it was my spark.

I cried with anger,

and growing fury,

I wanted justice,

not a jury.

Even if they dared,

to look inside,

They’d all just scatter,

like cowards hide.

The rain flooded my

body clean.

Where are these pastures?

they all call green?

The storm was twofold,

because I cried,

My emotions temporarily,

did subside.

But what shall happen,

if there’s no rain tomorrow?

Will I feel

the same deep sorrow?

by Martin Dejnicki

Rain may symbolize sorrow or gloom and sadness. But it also symbolizes the act of cleansing and renewal. In this poem, the rain was meant to represent both sorrow/sadness and renewal/cleansing.

Have you ever been in the rain when you were angry? This doesn’t happen just in movies. I recall when it rained dogs and cats one day, and I went for a jog. The experience was truly liberating. The simple act of rain pouring on me helped me calm down and deal with my emotions.

Don’t get me wrong, I used to be one of those “runners” from the rain. I’d seek out shelter so that I wouldn’t get wet. But I don’t do that any longer. These days, when I’m caught out in the rain, I end up savouring the moment.

I think it became meditative to me.

I hope you also learn to appreciate the cleansing powers of the rain. If you’re feeling sad right now, I hope today’s poem aids you with dealing with your emotions.

I think that strong negative emotions are sometimes just like the rain, where we just need to ride them out.

PUBLISHED: Oct 03, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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