Anniversary Poems

Martin Dejnicki
You'll find a nice variety of rhyming anniversary poems in this post. All of these poems are free to share with your loved ones.
13 min read
Table of contents
A Cute Poem for a Wedding Anniversary
Anniversary Poem for Your Husband
A Poem For Your Wife On Your Anniversary
Poem for Parents Anniversary
A Verse For Your First Anniversary
Funny Anniversary Poem
Every Girlfriend Would Love To Receive This Poem
50th Anniversary Poem
25th Anniversary

Some of the poems are for husbands, wives, parents, girlfriends and boyfriends.

There's also a bunch for wedding milestones such as the 25th and 50th, which are the silver and golden anniversaries respectively.

The first one is a general one that may be shared with your partner on any anniversary.

So whether you've been passionately in love for just a year or fifty years, it's meant to bring your significant other tears of joy.

With You By My Side

This beautiful and memorable day,

has been carved into my mind.

A precious moment in time,

when our lives became defined.

Let's rejoice and celebrate,

our love and our bond.

I cherish what we have,

with my heart I respond.

This journey of life is so sweet,

with you by my side.

My smile radiates,

with each passing stride.

Whether one or a thousand,

journey's we take.

With you by my side,

I feel alive and awake.

My soul is filled with bliss,

due to the love that we share.

I promise you my dear,

I will always be there.

To the stars and the heavens,

our anniversary I shall proclaim.

My love for you burns like the sun,

with an infinite flame.

by Martin Dejnicki

You may wish to include those verses inside an anniversary greeting card.

Just make sure you select a really beautiful card that may be kept as a keepsake.

A Cute Poem for a Wedding Anniversary

This poem may be shared on any wedding anniversary. You may want to use it for a non-milestone anniversary (since you'll find the milestone ones below).


The day we both walked,

down our wedding isle.

I couldn't help,

but joyously smile.

My tears of happiness,

were so hard to suppress.

My whole life lit up,

the moment you said yes.

We've been through,

so much together.

We can outlast,

the harshest cold weather.

I will always love you,

and show you respect.

It's our wedding anniversary,

Let's spend time and connect.

My smile is peaceful and calm,

while I look straight ahead.

As long as we have each other,

our hearts shall be fed.

Thank you for loving me,

with your heart and soul.

When we are together,

I feel completely whole.

by Martin Dejnicki

I'm going to remind my father to share this one with my mom on their 34th wedding anniversary, a few weeks from now.

Since he's old school and doesn't have an email address, I can't email it.

So I might as well just print it out, frame it, and let him know that he owes me a favour.

I know my mom will love it. She'll also be suspicious whether it was his idea.

Anniversary Poem for Your Husband

The next poem is meant to be shared by wives with their husbands on their anniversaries. Wives are very creative, so I can see them designing and creating truly unique anniversary greeting cards for their husbands. Whether you have time to do something like that is up to you.

But whatever you decide to do, feel free to include the following poem inside the card. Unless of course you want to go all out and frame it. If you shop around I'm sure you'll be able to find an 8 by 10 frame for a few bucks.

You're In Trouble

You're a wonderful husband,

I'm not gonna lie.

This poem won't make you,

vomit nor cry.

Let's get a few things,

out of the way.

You're in plenty of trouble,

if you forgot what's today.

Time to take a ride,

down memory lane.

I think I found you,

underneath an old train.

I'd need a book,

to list all your flaws.

So let's just stick,

to a few basic laws.

You've always made me laugh,

you're hilariously funny.

I didn't care,

that you had no money.

The way you hold me,

in your manly arms.

Your voice and smile,

results in charms.

Ok, now wake up,

you're in real deep.

If my gift,

is super cheap.

by Martin Dejnicki

Now that poem was a bit different because it was written for him. It was meant to be funnier and a bit less sentimental than the rest of these anniversary poems. I hope it makes your hubby laugh, and wish you both a splendid anniversary.

A Poem For Your Wife On Your Anniversary

If you're married and you have a wonderful wife, than I'm sure she'll love this verse. It's intended to be sentimental and create a huge "awww" factor. Go ahead and share it with her on the day of your anniversary.

My Beautiful Wife

Happy anniversary,

precious wife of mine,

If beauty had a symbol,

you'd be its sign.

Remember the moment,

when we kissed and I carried.

My life found its purpose,

the day that we married.

My love for you,

shall forever grow.

Through my actions and words,

I promise to show.

Today is so special,

in our memories and hearts.

Another wonderful year,

this moment it starts.

I'm so excited for,

what our future shall bring.

Deep down inside,

I hear my soul sing.

What I am trying,

to truly express.

Is that you are the center,

of all my world and success.

by Martin Dejnicki

You may also want to write a sentimental or romantic letter to her that is personalized. Meaning, you may want to mention specific things that you love about her, and some of the many priceless memories you both shared.

I say you tell her to read the poem first. This will warm her up a bit and will definitely make her smile. After she's done, you could present her with the letter. Tell her to read it out loud if you want her to really get emotional. But I guess it depends on what you write in it. Whatever you do, make sure you use words that will make her feel good and happy during that moment.

This anniversary poem is also intended to be romantic, and I think it achieves that since it talks about proclaiming your love that you have for your wife.

Poem for Parents Anniversary

You may share this poem with your parents on their anniversary. As their child it's important to remember the day they were married. I think the only reason I remember when my parents were married is because it was on New Year's Eve.

Successful Marriage

Happy anniversary,

loving mom and dad.

For all your years together,

I'm so happy and glad.

The keys to a successful marriage,

I was able to observe.

This important celebration,

you both clearly deserve.

Holding hands tightly,

surpassed times that were hard.

Supported each other,

with every yard.

It's a beautiful sight to observe,

the love that you both share.

Seen by your simple interactions,

and through your mutual stare.

I would like to wish you both,

countless, memorable years,

May they be spent,

in love and no tears.

This marriage you share,

I truly adore,

Shall love you both forever,

just like always before.

by Martin Dejnicki

Now that's a nice little poem that you may share with your loving parents. I hope it inspires them to continue to love each other unconditionally, and I wish your parents a wonderful anniversary.

A Verse For Your First Anniversary

Let's take a look at a first anniversary verse that you may share with your sweetheart wife or husband.

Beautiful First Year

Happy anniversary,

my precious my dear.

Thank you for this,

beautiful first year.

I still can't believe,

that a year has passed.

My love for you,

forever shall last.

If this first year of ours,

has been just a taste,

I promise to cherish our moments

and never shall waste.

I'm sorry for the days,

that I hurt or annoy.

I'm so happy for having you,

you make me smile with joy.

I'm looking forward to share,

countless more years,

We'll create beautiful memories,

with laugher and cheers.

Just want to say,

it's all because of you,

That my life is amazing,

peaceful and true.

by Martin Dejnicki

I hear many stories from friends and family that the first year of marriage is the most challenging. This makes sense since the couple is may be still trying to adapt to each other with regards to understanding one another's habits and flaws.

Prior to marriage may still be experiencing a lot of infatuation and may overlook each other's flaws or short comings. But once the honeymoon stage wears off, the reality sinks in, and a lot of compromising is required to make it work.

Personally, I think the most important thing a couple may do during or after the first year is to learn to accept one another for who they are. You can't expect to change the person you married. I believe you may both work on certain characteristics to improve as human beings, but the main personality traits can never be changed. Attempting to do so is foolish in my view.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading the first anniversary poem above and good luck sharing it with your husband or wife.

Funny Anniversary Poem

If you would like to make your significant other laugh on your anniversary then you should consider sharing the following funny poem with him or her.

Our Anniversary

It's our anniversary,

that's pretty cool.

If there's no chocolate,

that would be cruel.

I'm not saying that,

we need to spoil.

But if you forget,

my blood will boil.

We could always test,

the strength of our bond.

By jumping straight into,

an old muddy pond.

This is our day,

we're entitled to choose.

Whether we want dinner,

or just go shopping for shoes.

I'm just excited and glad,

that I get to spend.

My anniversary with,

my partner and best friend.

by Martin Dejnicki

Note: feel free to change the word partner to wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend in the last line, based on your specific relationship.

It turns out that this funny anniversary poem came out sounding like it's from a female perspective. Therefore, all you ladies out there can certainly share it with your boyfriends or husbands. But I think guys can share it with their women as well. It's funny so it will make them laugh. That's the whole point of it.

Making one another laugh is important in any relationship. We should all strive to make our partners laugh every single day (not just on special occasions like anniversaries).

A similar sense of humour is often one of the things that will attract two people together. This means you will find the same jokes funny and enjoy watching similar comedies together.

Well I hope the above funny anniversary poem helps you out. Just don't forget to keep laughing and making sure that humour plays a big role in your life.

Every Girlfriend Would Love To Receive This Poem

Share the following poem with your beautiful girlfriend on your anniversary. She will appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness as you both celebrate your relationship.

My Lady

I am fortunate and lucky,

for having a girlfriend like you.

Our combined hearts,

share a wonderful view.

This anniversary is like,

a chapter in a photo book.

We may sit and rejoice,

at the memories we took.

You're stunning and beautiful,

these words are not just.

Our loving relationship,

is founded on trust.

I love you so much,

my lady and dear friend.

Your touch is priceless,

along with the time that we spend.

This anniversary of ours,

is just the beginning.

With you by my side,

I'll always be winning.

by Martin Dejnicki

It's nice to do something special for your girlfriend on your anniversary. It doesn't need to be expensive, as long as it's original and creative. I recall making a scrapbook that took me three days to complete. It was quite challenging for me since I have never considered myself as a crafty type person.

Let's move on to the remaining anniversary categories, which are based on certain milestones.

50th Anniversary Poem

The next featured poem is for a 50th anniversary. Share it with a couple on their 50th or golden anniversary.

Fifty Beautiful Years

Fifty beautiful years

have come and passed.

You've proven your bond,

forever shall last.

Fifty beautiful years,

you've been holding hands,

Your journey included,

so many plans.

Fifty beautiful years,

your love has matured and grown.

Like a majestic dove,

with grace it has flown.

Fifty beautiful years,

memories collected.

During this time,

your souls have connected.

Fifty beautiful years,

your family has thrived.

You may both smile,

at the place you've arrived.

Fifty beautiful years,

you were able to share.


we love you and care.

by Martin Dejnicki

If you really think about it, reaching your 50th anniversary is a very big deal. I wonder how many couples are actually able to reach such an amazing milestone. Not only does it take good long-term health from both individuals, but also unconditional love and understanding.

We all strive to be successful in our careers (including myself). But honestly, being able to reach my 50th wedding anniversary would be a much bigger accomplishment for me than any of my entrepreneurial dreams.

25th Anniversary

Here's one for a 25th anniversary that may be given to a couple who will be celebrating their silver anniversary.

Mutual Dream

They walked together,

for twenty-five years.

Shared it all,

laughter and tears.

They took a moment,

to calmly reflect.

Wonderful memories,

they began to protect.

They looked at each other,

with an acknowledging glance.

Their time has arrived,

to party and dance.

And once all the glitter,

left their focus and stage.

They sat there together,

and turned the next page.

Thankful and happy,

they made it this far.

Their connected path,

shined like a star.

With unwavering love,

the most perfect team.

Another 25 years,

was their mutual dream.

by Martin Dejnicki

Some couples choose to renew their wedding vows on their 25th wedding anniversary. I think it's a nice thing to do. Being married to someone for 25 years is definitely an accomplishment that needs to be celebrated.

In my opinion, it would be nice to surprise the couple with a big party with family and friends.

The trick would be to try to get as many people that attended their wedding 25 years ago to also attend their silver anniversary.

It would be like a déjà vu.

Hope you enjoy sharing these anniversary poems, and if your anniversary is just around the corner, then, Happy Anniversary!

PUBLISHED: Oct 03, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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