Anniversary Quotes

Martin Dejnicki
14 min read
Table of contents
Wedding Anniversary
Wedding Anniversary Quotes for your Husband
Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Your Wife
Anniversary Quotes for Your Boyfriend
Anniversary Quotes for Your Girlfriend
Wedding Anniversary Quotes for your Parents
Anniversary Quotes for Friends
Funny Anniversary Quotes
Quotes For Your First Anniversary
Quotes To Celebrate Your 2nd Anniversary
5th Anniversary Quotes
10th Anniversary Quotes
Quotes For Your 20th Anniversary Celebration
Quotes for 25th Wedding Anniversary
30th Wedding Anniversary
40th Wedding Anniversary
50th Wedding Anniversary
Quotes for a 60th Wedding Anniversary
Anniversaries remind us of our special bonds and all those special moments that we've shared. - Martin Dejnicki

Each anniversary provides the couple with the opportunity to rekindle their romance. - Martin Dejnicki

Reflections and celebrations are at the core of anniversaries. - Martin Dejnicki

An anniversary is a special day of the year where the couple must focus on the love that they share. - Martin Dejnicki

There are a million and one ways to celebrate your anniversary. But only one way to love unconditionally. - Martin Dejnicki

Each anniversary should be more special and significant than the previous one. - Martin Dejnicki

It's not about the price tag behind the anniversary gift, but the thoughtfulness behind it. - Martin Dejnicki

I usually include a few quotes inside a greeting card that I'm about to share. But I make sure I use different ones each year (otherwise I'd get in trouble).

Feel free to share these anniversary quotes on your 1 month relationship anniversary or your 60th wedding anniversary. You'll find cute ones and love quotes as well. Have fun:)

Wedding Anniversary

The following wedding anniversary quotes talk about marriage and how each anniversary is closely connected to this union. My favourite are the funny ones.

Wedding anniversaries include, cuddling together, watching your wedding video, laughing, and talking about it for the ten thousandth time. - Martin Dejnicki

The success rate of wedding anniversaries is correlated with the success rate of last minute reservations. - Martin Dejnicki

A wedding anniversary is a much cheaper version of your wedding (without the guests). - Martin Dejnicki

Preparation is the key to pulling off a romantic wedding anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Wedding anniversaries are meant to remind us that we're still married. - Martin Dejnicki

I proclaim my love, on our wedding anniversary, and I'm truly grateful for having you in my life. - Martin Dejnicki

Looking back, the wedding anniversary wishes my wife and I received in the past were all pretty much the same. That's probably one of the main reasons I like prefer using quotes. They're so much more entertaining.

Wedding Anniversary Quotes for your Husband

Here's a few quotes that you may want to share with your husband. I should tell my wife to take a look at these, lol.

The success of your wedding anniversary depends completely on how well you manage to feed your wife. - Martin Dejnicki

You better remember to celebrate me, not the toy that I got you. - Martin Dejnicki

The only time you're allowed to forget our wedding anniversary is when I forget. Unfortunately for you, I NEVER forget. - Martin Dejnicki

I'm very lucky to have a husband like you. You make me feel so loved, and happy, it's the most wonderful feeling. - Martin Dejnicki

I don't mean to brag, but I've been blessed with a fantastic husband. Happy anniversary! - Martin Dejnicki

Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Your Wife

You may wish to give these quotes to your lovely wife on your wedding anniversary. If you give her a different one each year, they'll last you for the next 5 years. But don't worry about that, because there are plenty more on this page.

Looking back at our wedding day, I'm reminded how special it was. You remind me each day how lucky I am to have you as my dear wife. - Martin Dejnicki

My gift on this wedding anniversary is the most beautiful and loving wife. - Martin Dejnicki

I chose these wedding anniversary flowers because their beauty reminds me of you and the special bond that we share. - Martin Dejnicki

Tell her you love her a hundred times, and kiss her a hundred more, and she will never forget this wedding anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Happy anniversary my precious sweet wife. You are my everything, for you are my life. - Martin Dejnicki

As you've probably noticed, the above quotes are quite sweet and sentimental. Well, that's the type of quotes wives enjoy receiving (just talking from experience).

Anniversary Quotes for Your Boyfriend

If you have a boyfriend, and your anniversary is just around the corner, then the following quotes should do the job. Have fun on your special day:)

You're a special guy that I love and care. Our anniversary with you, I'm so excited to share. - Martin Dejnicki

Nice flowers are a good start, but don't stop there. - Martin Dejnicki

I love you, I love you, I love you my dear. I'll say it again, if I haven't been clear. - Martin Dejnicki

You make me a better lady. - Martin Dejnicki

The love that we share is beautifully rare, we certainly make a wonderful pair. - Martin Dejnicki

Anniversary Quotes for Your Girlfriend

If you'd like to multiple the effectiveness of the following quotes, simply read them to your amazing girlfriend on your anniversary. I'm sure she'll love you for doing so.

You are my honey and I am your bear. Happy anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

I love you so much, from my heart I do say. Just like your eyes it's a beautiful day. - Martin Dejnicki

You're a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart. I fell in love with you, right from the start. - Martin Dejnicki

You're like a diamond, special and rare. On this anniversary of ours, there is love in the air. - Martin Dejnicki

If your girlfriend wants to be treated like a princess on your anniversary, just make sure you don't disappoint her. - Martin Dejnicki

Wedding Anniversary Quotes for your Parents

It's always a good idea to remember your parents wedding anniversary. You don't have to go all fancy with gifts and everything, but I'm sure they'd appreciate the following quotes.

I didn't believe in miracles until I realized it was my parents _____ anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Since you guys are veterans at this, just want to wish you both a stress free anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Looking back at all those years, I've been truly blessed to have parents like you. Wishing you many more loving years together. - Martin Dejnicki

Wishing you both a memorable anniversary. Hope dad got you something nice. - Martin Dejnicki

You know your parents have been married for ages when they both forget their anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

A successful anniversary is like a canary in the mine for the rest of the year. - Martin Dejnicki

The reason I never forget my parents wedding anniversary is because it falls on New Year's Eve.

Anniversary Quotes for Friends

Here's a couple quotes you could share with your friends when celebrating their anniversary.

The key to a happy relationship is to copy and paste a successful anniversary once each month. - Martin Dejnicki

Your love is unconditional, just like your arguments. Wishing you both an unconditional, no hold barred, anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Try not to do anything too exciting on your anniversary, because the rest of us will need to compete. - Martin Dejnicki

You're both smart and very cool, use your anniversary as a strategic tool. - Martin Dejnicki

The only challenge for me is trying to remember my friend's anniversaries.

Funny Anniversary Quotes

These quotes are meant to be humorous and make you and your better half laugh on your anniversary.

If you forget your anniversary, it may be your last one. - Martin Dejnicki

Those of us who celebrate our anniversaries are very fortunate, because it's like having Christmas twice each year. - Martin Dejnicki

The monetary cost of any anniversary is often quite significant. However, it's not nearly as expensive as forgetting about one. - Martin Dejnicki

An anniversary is an annual test of what we've learned and still remember about our partner. The passing grade is 100%. - Martin Dejnicki

For the times we forget, men need to have a secret stock of random anniversary cards and gifts. - Martin Dejnicki

I think that last quote applies to all men. But in order for this strategy to work, these "emergency" anniversary gifts need to be thoughtful, not just random.

Quotes For Your First Anniversary

If you're celebrating your first anniversary, hope you enjoy these quotes, and best of luck on #1. Just don't forget how important the one year anniversary is for any relationship or marriage.

On our paper anniversary, I write words from my soul. Life is beautiful with you, and joyfully whole. - Martin Dejnicki

The first anniversary is just the summary of the warm-up lap. The glue that holds the engine together must last for many more laps if you wish to win the race. Don't rev your engine too much in the beginning, and you should be fine. - Martin Dejnicki

You might get away with forgetting your 37th anniversary. But I assure you, you'll be off on your way if you dare forget the first. - Martin Dejnicki

Anniversaries are like boxing rounds. In the first one, energy and hormones rage while each side seeks a strategic advantage. By the 10th one, exhaustion has taken over and both sides no longer care about winning or losing, just rest. - Martin Dejnicki

Quotes To Celebrate Your 2nd Anniversary

Here's some quotes for your 2nd anniversary. For starters, the 2nd anniversary is not nearly as stressful as the first. Since you have twice as much experience, things should go smoothly.

By the 2nd anniversary marital wisdom has technically doubled. Couples are beginning to notice repetitive mistakes in their judgement and some of the words they choose to use. - Martin Dejnicki

The 2nd anniversary proves that the first one was not a fluke. - Martin Dejnicki

With the second anniversary comes greater experience and higher expectations of a better gift than last year. - Martin Dejnicki

The 2nd anniversary officially concludes he honeymoon phase. After this phase, rational thoughts, and stinky socks usually prevail. - Martin Dejnicki

It's our 2nd anniversary and our relationship is cozy like cotton. - Martin Dejnicki

5th Anniversary Quotes

Hope you have lots of fun celebrating your 5th anniversary with these quotes, and your significant other of course.

Just like wood, our relationship is solid and strong on our 5th wedding anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Let's celebrate with pure cheers, we've shared five beautiful years. - Martin Dejnicki

By the 5th anniversary you have both settled down and adapted to your mutual routines. - Martin Dejnicki

The 5th anniversary is just the beginning of the long haul. - Martin Dejnicki

By the 5th anniversary all the shortcomings and faults have been placed on the table at least once. Most have been accepted. - Martin Dejnicki

On your 5th anniversary you know exactly how to make each other happy. Just try to be creative. - Martin Dejnicki

10th Anniversary Quotes

These quotes represent a very important milestone that needs to be celebrated the right way.

The 10th anniversary reminds us that no matter how young we were when we got married, we are no longer young. - Martin Dejnicki

Once you've reached your 10th anniversary, you know your marriage is flexible and durable based on your decade long commitment. - Martin Dejnicki

After 10 sweet years, our marriage is durable and beautiful like a stunning diamond. - Martin Dejnicki

Your smile on our 10th anniversary is like a daffodil; cheerful, beautiful, and happy. - Martin Dejnicki

A wonderful decade has passed, and I'm looking forward to many more. - Martin Dejnicki

Quotes For Your 20th Anniversary Celebration

Two decades of marriage is a pretty big deal. Well, have fun with these quotes when celebrating your 20th.

The love that we share on our 20th anniversary is beautiful, elegant, and delicate. - Martin Dejnicki

The second decade of marriage is always much busier than the first. - Martin Dejnicki

20 years of kisses so sweet, our marriage has been a wonderful treat. - Martin Dejnicki

For 20 long years we joyfully held hands, and even made, a couple small fans. - Martin Dejnicki

Your award for being married for 20 years is right next to you. - Martin Dejnicki

Quotes for 25th Wedding Anniversary

These silver or 25th anniversary quotes represent one of the most celebrated milestones of marriage. Congratulations!

Toast your silver anniversary with champagne you can't afford. - Martin Dejnicki

A quarter century of anything is remarkable in itself, let alone a marriage. - Martin Dejnicki

It makes sense to renew your vows every quarter century. - Martin Dejnicki

We've shared our union for 25 wonderful years, and I'm looking forward to many more cheers. - Martin Dejnicki

I've stared into your eyes for 25 years, and I can't wait to stare for 25 more. - Martin Dejnicki

30th Wedding Anniversary

My in-laws celebrated their 30th anniversary recently, and I decided to share these quotes with them. They loved them.

Let's celebrate our 30th milestone in our hearts and on the dance floor. - Martin Dejnicki

I can't believe 30 years have passed since our wedding day. But I can believe how my love for you has grown each day since. - Martin Dejnicki

It's been 30 years, and I remember every kiss. - Martin Dejnicki

I'm not saying we're old, but let's take it easy from here on out. - Martin Dejnicki

Shall we celebrate our 30th like we celebrated our first? - Martin Dejnicki

On their 30th anniversary there are usually pearls in her eyes and red cars in his. - Martin Dejnicki

40th Wedding Anniversary

I was definitely not talking from experience when I was writing the following quotes for a 40th wedding anniversary. But I did do my best to get into the mindset of someone who was.

The eternal inner flame also known as our love and devotion, has brought us forty splendid years. - Martin Dejnicki

Strong passion for each other is a key ingredient needed to reach a 40th anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Looking back at our 40 years, I realized how much I cherished the simple things, like our walks and our talks. - Martin Dejnicki

I couldn't take my eyes off of you on our wedding day, 40 short years ago. Now it's even more difficult because you are 40 years more beautiful. - Martin Dejnicki

My parents are not very far from their 40th wedding anniversary, so I used their relationship as a source of inspiration for these quotes.

50th Wedding Anniversary

The golden anniversary is a great milestone. For those of us who make it this far, hope they truly enjoy the following quotes.

Our 50 years together have been truly golden. - Martin Dejnicki

The special bond that we have shared for all these years is just as rare as a golden anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

Let's go dancing on our 50th. - Martin Dejnicki

The only thing that is more remarkable than a golden anniversary, are the happy expressions on the couples who are celebrating. - Martin Dejnicki

I couldn't have dreamed of fifty better years than those we have shared together. - Martin Dejnicki

Quotes for a 60th Wedding Anniversary

The 60th wedding anniversary is very special. Enjoy these quotes.

After 60 years of marriage, words are no longer required to communicate. - Martin Dejnicki

60 year marriage anniversaries are reserved for soulmates. - Martin Dejnicki

Who could possibly say no to sixty years of passionate kisses? - Martin Dejnicki

Congrats on 60 beautiful years of precious moments and many adventures. - Martin Dejnicki

Wishing you both a fabulous 60th wedding anniversary. - Martin Dejnicki

All couples who have celebrated their 60th anniversary should write marriage counselling books. - Martin Dejnicki

Hope you enjoyed reading this collection of anniversary quotes. Have fun sharing them with family and friends.



PUBLISHED: Oct 09, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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