Be Happy Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Today’s poem is about being happy in life. Happiness is something we all strive for. I think the trick is to know how to be happy in our everyday lives. This requires us to live life through our values.
2 min read

We should also keep in mind that our individual definition of happiness may be completely different from someone else’s. But that’s ok, because happiness is a choice that we make. It reflects our attitude towards life, and at the end of the day, we’re in complete control. Our individual thoughts will decide whether we are happy or not.

Good thing we have complete control of our thoughts. As a result, we may choose to be happy whenever we wish.

I hope this poem reminds us all to be happy.


To be happy,

I wish each day.

Just like a child,

in the middle of play.

Life may reveal,

occasional grief.

But I’ll never give up,

to sadness the thief.

The type of life,

I truly desire.

I must live it,

with passion and fire.

I need to work on things,

that are dear to my heart.

Paint my journey,

like personalized art.

Being happy,

is clearly a choice.

It all depends,

on my internal voice.

by Martin Dejnicki

I would just like to add one more thing. We all have goals and plans in our life. But we shouldn’t be so obsessed with our goals that we forget to live life with happiness.

What I’m trying to say, is that happiness is simply a way of life. It’s all about our individual attitudes. Goals will come and go, but we should be happy during our journey.

If we just choose to be happy whenever we achieve a certain personal goal, then we won’t be very often. There’s always going to be another goal and mission in our lives, when we achieve our previous ones.

Don’t forget to be happy each day. Whether you’re working on finishing high school, elementary school, aiming for a promotion at work, or building a home.

Here’s my secret: “I make sure I smile each morning when I wake up, and give thanks for everything I have in my life (especially my wife).”

PUBLISHED: Oct 11, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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