Birthday Poem For My Brother-In-Law

Martin Dejnicki
Yesterday was my brother-in-laws birthday, so this post/poem I’d like to dedicate to him. His name is Gary, and he’s a wonderful husband, father, and friend. He loves his family very much and works tirelessly to provide for them, and brings constant joy and laughter to their lives. He’s a really good guy that deserves the best things that life has to offer.
2 min read

He’s a maintenance manager for a major trucking company here in the city, so I’ll try to incorporate a few details about that within the poem. He loves to fish, the outdoors, and is great at making and fixing things.

You’ll get more juicy details in the poem. Actually, he’s a pretty private guy (doesn’t believe in Facebook), so I won’t be revealing absolutely everything. If I do, he won’t help me build another “classic” bookshelf. Anyways, let’s get to the poem.

Oh, one more thing. He just turned 39. So the goal is to make it funny.

Crap! You Have One Year To Go

How many clicks, has this old truck made?

There is no upgrade, there is no trade.

We’re sorry to say, you’re down on your luck,

Just like a broken, rusty old truck.

Don’t worry old man you’re just thirty-nine,

A quarter century, drinking cheap wine

This poem is not meant to depress,

Take it easy, forget about stress.

Oh crap, you have one year to go!

Both body and mind

shall function




Let’s glance at the good,

You could build anything,

with hammer and wood

Four kids (one is brand new)

You love them dearly, they love you too.

The Starbucks ambassador, she is your wife,

With errands and tasks, fills your whole life.

It’s not just another birthday, or year,

Actually it is, so there’s nothing to fear.

Just promise us, this one will be awfully loud,

You’re loving neighbours will be happy and proud!

by Martin Dejnicki

Hope he likes it. Shaped it to look like an hourglass that will expire in one year, when he turns the big 40.

Gary, from the bottom of our hearts, Anita and I would like to wish you an absolutely splendid birthday. Cheers!

PUBLISHED: Oct 04, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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