Breaking Up Poem

Martin Dejnicki
2 min read

Yesterday I was shocked to find out that a good friend of mine is breaking up with his girlfriend of many years. Both Anita and I thought this couple was really good together. But I guess, sometimes you just can’t predict these things.

That’s the motivation behind this breaking up poem. I hope it helps all those individuals that are breaking up or have recently broken up with their partners. I wish you all the best if you are going through a difficult time in your lives.

Opposite Directions

The love we shared,

I won’t deny,

But I cannot do this,

I cannot lie.

Our many differences,

that may seem small,

When combined,

are more than tall.

I don’t expect,

for us to change.

Life without you,

may be strange.

Sorrow stabs my,

confused heart,

I know we’re meant,

to be apart.

Opposite directions,

our journey’s lead,

Our damaged bond,

must be freed.

by Martin Dejnicki

Breaking up with someone that you’ve shared a close bond and relationship with for a long time is often very difficult. However, sometimes it’s just something that has to be done.

During a break up, a person will often experience many strong emotions that include sorrow and confusion. Many may also feel like it’s the end of the world. They may get tunnel vision and their emotions take over and control their reason and common sense.

Amongst all of the pain and confusion, it’s important to be strong and remember that it’s not the end of the world. Even though it may seem like it is.

If you are dealing with a break up right now, please remember that there is someone out there for you that will love you for who you are, and will be your perfect match.

As long as you love others, and allow others to love you, then anything is possible.

I truly hope that this break up poem has helped you put some things into perspective. Over time, your heart will heal, and you will find someone that you are meant to be with and love for the rest of your life.

PUBLISHED: Oct 10, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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