Bridal Shower Poems

Martin Dejnicki
Whether you're hosting or attending a bridal shower, I hope you have fun reading and sharing these bridal shower poems. Simply choose the one that you like the most and feel free to share it with everyone at the party.
9 min read
Table of contents
Bridal Shower Gift Poems
A Cute Bridal Shower Poem for the Bride to be
Bridal Shower Thank You Poem
Funny Bridal Shower Poem

The first one is a general poem that may apply to virtually any wedding shower.

The 2nd one talks about a game that you play at the shower, while the 3rd and 4th verses may be used as invites.

There's also a few that you may include with your gift. It's up to you whether you decide to add to the card or attach it to the gift itself for everyone to see.

There's also a thank you poem which the hostess may share with all her guests and a funny one as well. Enjoy!

A Bridal Shower

A bridal shower is the day,

when women all connect.

They come to support the bride-to-be,

where nice gifts she'll collect.

Excitement about the wedding,

dances freely in the air.

Family and friends share in the joy,

because they truly care.

Conversations vary widely,

they smile as they talk.

gifts include wine glasses,

dishes and a wok.

The party picks up pace,

with all those hilarious games.

They all laugh and make fun,

of past boyfriends and their names.

The point is to let loose a bit,

it's completely and totally fine.

Fancy cocktails are common,

and that red delicious wine.

It always ends too soon,

there's never quite enough time.

They give her wedding wishes,

and hope that it's sublime.

By Martin Dejnicki

Have you ever played, Hanging Out to Dry at a bridal shower?

It's a really simple and fun game. You could even use the next poem as a creative way to explain the rules to all the guests.

Hanging Out to Dry

You'll receive a clothespin,

as you cheerfully arrive.

Two words you must avoid,

with great effort you should strive.

The first word is - wedding,

the second is the groom's name.

But even a tiny whisper,

and you'll be sitting out the game.

Watch exactly what you say,

and filter every thought.

Take an extra clothespin,

from the person you have caught.

The lady with the most,

will surely win a prize.

It's a very cute game,

with laughter and surprise.

Stay away from those words,

with great effort you should try.

But if your words do slip,

you'll be hanging out to dry.

By Martin Dejnicki

I think, this game is hilarious. It's also an easy way to break the ice among the guests who don't know one another. They'll be laughing in no time, and all you need is a bag of clothespins and a small prize for the winner.

Alright, so you want to be a bit more creative with your wedding shower invites and you want them to stand out. Am I right?

The following bridal shower invitation poems will help you accomplish that. If you decide to use the first poem, you'll need to add the store where you're registered.

You're Invited!

Listen up girl,

you are invited.

Just like me,

I hope you're excited.

It's gonna be,

a great bridal shower.

All those sweet treats,

we'll certainly devour.

At ______________

I'm registered right now.

We'll mutually indulge,

and show them all how.

The place and the time,

are noted below.

It's gonna be,

one hell of a show.

We'll talk about -

walking down the wedding aisle,

dresses and flowers,

the theme and the style.

Please RSVP,

when you get a chance.

I just can't wait,

to talk, laugh, and dance.

By Martin Dejnicki

The next wedding shower invitation poem was specifically created for those instances where it's a surprise for the bride-to-be. It stresses the importance of keeping it a secret and low key.

On the first line of the second stanza you'll need to include the bride-to-be's name.

Best of luck with the surprise:) and I'm sure it will be a fabulous one.

It's a Surprise

Let's keep it down,

since it's a surprise.

A bridal shower,

for girls and no guys.

(name of bride-to-be),

will experience a pleasant shock.

So let's keep it low key,

and try not to talk.

We'll celebrate,

this soon to be bride.

Our support and best wishes,

we shall mutually provide.

The party will be,

an absolute blast.

It's not far away,

approaching real fast.

Hope you join in,

on the wonderful surprise.

It will bring so much joy,

and tears to her eyes.

By Martin Dejnicki

Here's a little bridal shower wine poem that you may include with a nice bottle of wine. It talks about incorporating wine into a married couples life and celebrations.

Wishes & Wine

Allow me to express,

with this bottle of wine.

Sincere wedding wishes,

for your marriage to shine.

May your union together,

graciously flow.

Celebrate each day,

and your bond will just grow.

Your mutual experiences,

enjoy as you taste.

If each moment is a drop,

savour and don't waste.

Love each other always,

through good times and bad.

If life becomes bitter,

your sweet lips simply add.

With each new bottle of wine,

friends and family you'll entertain.

Don't stress the small stuff,

like a spill or a stain.

With this simple bottle of wine,

my blessings come with cheers.

May the love that you share,

last beyond all the years.

By Martin Dejnicki

You may even create a little scrapbook type mini booklet that you could attach to the wine bottle. Sentimental and meaningful gifts like this are often treasured and stored for a long time. It will certainly remind the bride-to-be of her wonderful bridal shower many years from now.

Bridal Shower Gift Poems

These bridal shower gift poems may be included along with your gift. I'm sure they will help make your gift stand apart from the rest.

New Life

I'm so happy to be here,

and help you prepare.

Your newlywed journey,

very soon you will share.

I brought you a small gift,

for your home and new life.

I know in my heart,

you'll be a wonderful wife.

Hope this small gift,

comes to good use.

It's not as fancy,

as a nice pair of shoes.

May your new home,

fill up with sweet joys,

and many cute babies,

playing with toys.

By Martin Dejnicki

The first gift poem was very simple, as it talked about the gift and more importantly the new life that the couple will share together.

The next poem contains four distinct verses. The first one mentions the gift and the second talks about the bridal party. The last two talk about marriage and the wedding day itself.

Wonderful Wife

I hope you like it,

and I hope it's just right.

Enjoy this gift,

a bridal shower delight.

I'm super excited,

to be here and share,

In all of your joys,

that dance through the air.

Let's talk about marriage,

and tying the knot.

Your hopes and dreams,

and the blessings we brought.

Your wedding will be memorable,

and shall open a sweet life.

With all the love in your heart,

you'll make the most wonderful wife.

By Martin Dejnicki

The bride-to-be will love the above poem with any gift that you decide to give her.

A Cute Bridal Shower Poem for the Bride to be

Here's a cute bridal shower poem that may be shared with the bride-to-be. It's meant to help put a huge smile on her face.

Wishes for You


on your upcoming wedding.

The wonderful news,

everyone's spreading.

Just want to wish you,

a life filled with zest.

Enjoy your sweet day,

avoid being stressed.

You and your fiancé,

are on the top of our mind.

All of the guests,

are humble and kind.

This bridal shower,

is all about you.

Not long from now,

you'll enjoy a new view.

These gifts right here,

are a small helping hand.

We're crossing our fingers,

may it all go as planned.

Your true happiness,

is all that matters at the end.

Our love and our wishes,

we sincerely extend.

By Martin Dejnicki

That last poem mentions several wedding related things. But the last verse is clearly the most important, since it states that true happiness is what really counts at the end (when the party is over).

Bridal Shower Thank You Poem

You may share the following bridal shower thank you poem with your guests who attend your wedding shower.

It's definitely a unique way of expressing your gratitude for their support and gifts. If you'd like, you may attach it to your bridal shower favors.

Thank You So Much

Thank you so much,

for the gift that you brought.

It will help us a lot,

when we tie the knot.

This beautiful day,

I'm thrilled that we shared.

You being here,

just shows that you cared.

I will always remember,

the fun that we had.

It was so perfect,

I'm blissfully glad.

Thank you so much,

I can't wait to say, yes!

My sincerest gratitude,

I'd like to express.

By Martin Dejnicki

Funny Bridal Shower Poem

Most of the previous wedding shower poems have been the sentimental type. So let's switch things up a little bit with the following funny bridal shower poem, that is intended to make everyone laugh.

If you'd like, you could even read it out loud to everyone at the party.

Shower or Zoo?

It's a bridal shower,

where women all gather.

An outside observer,

may call it all blather.

But in reality,

there's plenty intent.

To show off a dress,

where a fortune was spent.

How does it differ,

from a jungle or zoo.

The noise is quite similar,

that's certainly true.

There's always a girl,

that laughs like a monkey.

A hint of red wine,

and they start dancing funky.

It's truly quite sad,

when a male wonders near.

He turns all pale,

and runs off in fear.

But you can't blame him,

if the shower lacks a cage.

The women are wild,

and they vary in age.

Now let's turn this shower,

into a zoo.

I smell some food,

and it's time to chew.

By Martin Dejnicki

Now, all you need to do is choose one of the above bridal shower poems that best fits your situation (or simply the one you like the most).

Have fun at the shower:)

PUBLISHED: Sep 30, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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