Country Life Poem

Martin Dejnicki
3 min read

I was very excited to write the following country life poem. The reason is because I’ve always loved the outdoors and admire those country lifestyles. My dream has always been to move away from the city.

Oh, Country Life

I wake up each morning,

to the most beautiful view.

A breath of fresh air,

and a sky crispy blue.

A wonderland of life,

on pastures so green.

Relaxed and at peace,

my mind feels so clean.

Life out here,

does not seem like a chore.

There’s plenty of work,

but more to explore.

People are friendly,

smiles we share.

For mother earth,

we all mutually care.

Homemade apple pie,

during my walks, I can smell.

My joys and gratitude,

to the birds I just yell.

Oh, Country life,

That I love and embrace.

This is my home,

this is my place.

by Martin Dejnicki

Living in the country must be really nice. Being surrounded by beautiful nature and fresh air must feel so good. Personally, I feel amazing whenever we go up to the cottage. Unfortunately, we only get a chance to experience it a few times each year.

So I’m thinking, if we enjoy something so much as country living, why not make it a part of our lives 365 days a year.

There are countless fun activities in the country that the entire family may enjoy. Things like hiking, swimming (in lakes), canoeing, skiing, all the sports, and so many more.

It also feels like the communities outside the cities and suburban areas are much closer or tightknit. Life seems more peace and less hectic than it is in the city. I feel like staring out onto the lake is a perfect place to just gather your thoughts. I also believe that the air in these rural areas is better for us, since there’s a lot less cars, buildings, factories, etc. and much more wilderness that cleans and nourishes the air we breathe.

I just realized I was day dreaming this entire time, as I was writing this post. Maybe that’s a sign that I need to work hard on making this country dream come true for me and my family.

Well, I hope you enjoyed travelling through my country daydream. Don’t forget to share the country life poem with family and friends. You never know, it may convince your loved ones to experience country living more often.



PUBLISHED: Sep 30, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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