Dance Poems

Martin Dejnicki
Some of us see dancing as an art, or simply a way to unwind and enjoy ourselves at a party. The dance poems below are meant to express some of those emotions and feelings we experience while dancing.
3 min read
Table of contents
A Unique Dance Poem for Girls (who are into ballet)
Dance Poem for Children

We're never too young or too old to dance. In my opinion, it's liberating, free, and makes us all feel wonderful.

Whether it's ballroom dancing, or just casually moving to the beats in the car; dance is a part of our DNA.

It helps us forget about all our real world issues and obstacles, and frees both our bodies and our minds. I hope you enjoy dancing as much as I do, and I also hope you never stop. Have fun with these verses.

Just Dance!

It doesn't take much,

to simply begin.

And let all of it go,

that's building within.

It's just like a switch,

that sweet sounding tune.

Never too late,

and never too soon.

Shoulders and hips,

instantly sway.

Bringing forth,

a beautiful day.

With the right partner,

or mutually alone.

Moves arrive randomly,

the next is unknown.

To enjoy fully,

don't seek a reason.

As long as there's music,

there's always a season.

Don't look around,

or shyly glance.

Whenever you feel it,

remember - Just Dance!

By Martin Dejnicki

The second last stanza mentions a good point. We shouldn't need a reason to dance. It doesn't have to be a fancy ballroom event, or wedding. We can do it anytime of the day. Like when we're waiting in line at our local grocery store, or when we're cleaning on Saturday morning, the choice is ours.

A Unique Dance Poem for Girls (who are into ballet)

I now that ballet has always been very popular with girls of various ages. Some begin practicing at a tender age of two or three. Their passion for this art has inspired me to write the following verse.

The Art of Ballet

Like flowers to the eyes,

the art of ballet,

and petals in the wind,

what an exquisite display,

Grace with beauty,

each movement conveys.

Branches of strength,

rains thunderous praise.

Behind every flower,

a story resides.

Bending in the wind,

with purpose it guides.

The music of sight,

we emotionally feel.

Just like the waves,

there's nothing more real.

Every new pose,

like a voice is unique.

Deep in our hearts,

attempting to speak.

Like flowers to the eyes,

the art of ballet,

With the extinction of wind,

still hoping to sway.

By Martin Dejnicki

Dance Poem for Children

Here's a short and funny one that was written for all those wonderful kids out there. We need to encourage children of all ages to learn to appreciate and enjoy all forms of dance. Hope this verse helps:)


Let's put on a smile,

and show how we shake.

Our sleepy body,

will suddenly wake.

But first we must choose,

a super cool song.

Jumping around,

will make our legs strong.

It's really easy,

to learn how to groove.

Just think of your next,

funny sweet move.

Ask all your friends,

to join in the fun.

Never stop shaking,

until the music is done.

By Martin Dejnicki

You may submit your own dance poems, and I'll gladly include them in this section.

PUBLISHED: Sep 30, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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