Funny Graduation Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Here’s a funny graduation poem that is meant to be shared with all those new graduates (at any level).
2 min read



you’ve made it, you’re done.

Now go take a break,

and soak in some fun.

You’ve worked so hard,

to get where you are.

You clearly deserve,

a very nice car.

I recommend,

you meditate or relax.

It shall prepare you,

for Mr. Big Tax.

I’m not saying,

it’s all windy with gloom.

Just don’t be surprised,

if you begin with a broom.

Please remember,

you still have your youth.

Watch what you say,

or you may lose a tooth.

At the end of the day,

your diploma looks nice.

I may choke on my food,

if you mention the price.

by Martin Dejnicki

I’m thinking of sharing this poem with my sister on the day of her college graduation. But feel free to share it with anyone you know.

The last verse is definitely my favorite from this poem. It reminds us the cost of higher education these days, which is absolutely ridiculous. It seems they’ve made a thriving industry around educating our youth.

So instead of investing in our youth and making education more accessible and universal, it seems like we’re moving backwards. Countless students spend many years and borrow hundreds of thousands to receive a good education. Many of them will end up paying these loans back over the course of their adult lives. I don’t think that’s very fair.

On a lighter note, I hope you enjoyed reading today’s funny graduation poem, and I hope it makes the next graduate you share it with laugh out loud.

Cheers, Martin

PUBLISHED: Oct 05, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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