Funny Valentine’s Day Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Today is Valentine’s Day and I would like to dedicate this funny Valentine’s Day poem to my lovely wife Anita. She’s the most wonderful lady, and I hope this poem makes her laugh. I also want to say that my love for her is truly Gigantic.
1 min read


Good morning sweetheart,

on this Valentine’s Day.

We don’t need much,

just a barn and some hay.

Most want this day,

to be classy romantic.

The love in my heart,

is more than GIGANTIC!

You bring joy to my life,

each day of the year.

Our romantic dinner will include,

french fries and beer.

I don’t intend,

to be lazy nor cheap.

But rather creative,

our waiter’s a sheep.

This Valentine’s Day,

will surely be sweet.

I promise to rub,

your stinky small feet.

My love for you,

is always GIGANTIC.

I have the rest of the day,

to be sweet and romantic.

by Martin Dejnicki

PUBLISHED: Oct 10, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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