I’m Leaving Poem

Martin Dejnicki
I really had to think a bit about the best way to write an effective, “I’m leaving poem”. I’ll assume that this type of poem is usually placed in the context of a struggling relationship, where one or both individuals feel like it’s time to end it.
2 min read

The Time Has Arrived

The time has arrived,

a point has been reached,

Our hearts and bond,

have been breached.

This life of ours,

I can no longer lead,

Filled with emotions,

inside I bleed.

We’ve experienced,

both good and the bad,

For our happy memories,

I’ll always be glad.

I’m so sorry,

I must go, I must leave,

Time shall heal,

the scars that we greave.

by Martin Dejnicki

When people are fed up or reach their breaking point in a relationship, the most sensible thing to do is to just leave. This is usually very difficult, and emotionally draining, on both individuals. If there are children involved, they suffer as well and more so in a toxic environment, where both parents are constantly fighting.

It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself and just leave or break it off. Sometimes for those of us who are looking at a couple that broke up from the outside, it may not make any sense. We may think that one or both individuals are being selfish, especially if there are kids involved. However, we don’t know the true state of their relationship behind closed doors.

It’s often very difficult to reignite something that has burnt out a long time ago. I still think people shouldn’t be pulling the trigger so fast, and should work on issues they may have in their relationships. But that’s only to a certain point. If the relationship has degraded to the point of no return, nothing can be done, in my opinion.

Well, I hope today’s “I’m Leaving Poem”, helps you with your decision. Just remember to be honest with yourself, and do what will make you happy in the long-term.

PUBLISHED: Oct 11, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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