Imagery Poem

Martin Dejnicki
An imagery poem is a poem that creates vivid visual details for the readers. Depicting nature and its physical environment is a good example. The imagery poem featured in this post will be about October. Enjoy!
2 min read


She strolls gently,

along her path that‘s narrow,

Large oak pointing to the sky,

like an arrow.

Beneath her lie, layers of leaves,

both orange and yellow,

She hears a distant stags,

repeated bellow.

Trees half striped,

green leaves remain,

A few more days,

and they’ll feel a dirty pain.

She picks one up,

and places inside a brown book,

From her narrow path,

this leaf she took.

At it’s symmetry and red veins,

she stares and adores,

It’s outline look like mountains,

or rocky shores.

Then she realizes,

soon she’ll be gone,

She’s just October,

a passing lonely pawn.

by Martin Dejnicki

The motivation for this poem came from two pictures. The first is one of a path in the forest during autumn where red and yellow leaves are layered upon this path. There’s a big tree on the left side, and most of the trees still have some green leaves.

The second picture is a close up of a beautiful red and slightly yellow maple leaf laying on a muddy ground.

I love autumn. It’s so beautiful. I’m really looking forward to enjoying it this weekend.

PUBLISHED: Oct 09, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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