Missing Person Poem

Martin Dejnicki
This poem talks about a missing person or family member, and how sad it is for the whole family. It was written and shared by Patricia Capansky.
1 min read


Our oldest Brother left one day

and never has returned,

and after all this time our family's

getting quite concerned.

Until several months went by

we never worried very much,

'cause he was always on the go

and never kept in touch.

But then one day out of the blue

he'd wonder back around,

'cause someone in our family's

always lived in our hometown.

But now he's only been seen

once in forty years or so,

and what has happened to him

we'd really like to know.

We're afraid he might be buried

in a grave somewhere unknown,

and if that's the case we'll never

get to bring our Brother home.

So our sympathy goes out to everyone

whose in our place,

with loved ones that are missing

from their lives without a trace;

And we know how hard it is to keep

those bad thoughts all concealed,

when the whereabouts of your loved one

might never be revealed.

PUBLISHED: Oct 04, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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