Missing Someone: A Collection of Poetic Longings

Martin Dejnicki
The ache of absence is a universal emotion that poetry often seeks to capture. These poems explore the depths of missing someone, each a unique reflection on longing and memory.
4 min read
Table of contents
Embers of Your Memory
Captured in the Breeze
Vanishing Act
Between Each Tick
Unspoken Verse
Longing's Gentle Tide
The Absence
Unseen Threads
Echoes in the Void
Invisible Presence

Embers of Your Memory

My heart beats echoes of your whispered name,

And in the quiet, I hear the old refrain,

Your laughter's warmth now just an ember's glow,

A bittersweet echo from the time we know.

So far you've traveled, beyond the hands of time,

Yet in my thoughts, your memory's in its prime,

I miss the light that once graced these dull halls,

Without you here, the shadow softly falls.

Captured in the Breeze

The wind, it carries scents from distant shores,

As if to mimic your perfume's embrace.

I close my eyes, your image then restores,

But open them to find empty space.

I wander through the garden, lost, alone,

Your laughter's trace within the rustling leaves,

Each whispered breeze, a gentle, haunting moan,

My heart it grips, it fumbles and it grieves.

Vanishing Act

The day you left, the sun forgot to rise,

And stars hid away in mourning skies.

Your absence is a stage with no light,

A vanishing act, turning day to night.

I search for you in dreams and cups of tea,

In quiet moments, where you used to be,

But only silence answers my plea,

Your vanishing act, the end of our spree.

Between Each Tick

Time stretches long and lean, a gap so wide,

Each tick without you swells like ocean tide.

And in that space, your memory does hide,

While my heart waits on the other side.

Each tock's an echo from the past we've sown,

I'm searching for the promise once intoned.

But silence reigns and leaves me all alone,

Between each tick, I find myself dethroned.

Unspoken Verse

The words I never said now haunt my nights,

Unspoken poems, never set to fly like kites.

Heavy on my chest, your absence weighs,

Unwritten verse that never sees the days.

Could those words have kept you anchored here?

Tethered to this world, held you near?

Now they linger, heavy on the air,

The weight of all I felt but could not share.

Longing's Gentle Tide

A gentle tide of longing ebbs and flows,

With your memory in tow, it grows.

I find your smile in the moon up high,

A haunting lullaby in the night sky.

Days are now a canvas, bleak and wide,

Where once your colors danced with pride.

Left with sketches in the sand where we lied,

Now washed away by longing's gentle tide.

The Absence

Your absence carved a cavern deep and stark,

A silence deafening in its mark,

No footsteps echo on the wooden floor,

No shadow crosses through the open door.

A hollow nothing fills the rooms we shared,

Solemn reminders of how much you cared.

My soul's a desert, desolate, bared,

In the emptiness, I am ensnared.

Unseen Threads

Though miles apart, our hearts still beat in tune,

With unseen threads, woven by the moon.

Your absence bears a bitter, tranquil dread,

Attached to me by longing's fragile thread.

The world spins on, unknowing and so wide,

Yet in its spin, it keeps you by my side.

The solitude an ocean deep and wide,

Within its depths, our threads gently collide.

Echoes in the Void

The echoes of your voice through the void resound,

Where laughter and whispers were once found,

I strain to hear the remnants left behind,

In every corner of my mind.

The void, relentless, offers no reprieve,

In its silence, my heart does naught but grieve.

The echoes fade, yet I cannot leave,

In their absence, I cannot but believe.

Invisible Presence

Your ghost, it lingers in the morning light,

Invisible presence, holding me tight,

It walks in the footsteps of a lasting dance,

A specter of memory, given to chance.

In the stillness of dusk, your shadow falls,

Across the room, it drifts and then it stalls,

My hand reaches out for a fleeting chance,

To feel once more our lost, enduring dance.

PUBLISHED: Sep 20, 2024
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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