My Love for You Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Today we will look at a, “My Love for You Poem”, which talks about expressing your unconditional and deep love for your significant other.
2 min read

My Love for You

My love for you,

is like the trees.

It’s nature’s beauty,

which grows with ease.

My love for you,

I shall always display.

Every night,

and every day.

My love for you,

is honest and true.

When we’re holding hands,

it’s a beautiful view.

My love for you,

is infinitely deep.

Brings me peace,

and lets me sleep.

My love for you,

feeds me joy.

Precious and real,

it’s not a toy.

My love for you,

with you I share.

Because I love you,

and deeply care.

by Martin Dejnicki

Personally, I think it’s very romantic to profess your love by using those four words; “my love for you”.

It’s certainly an honest way of opening up and letting the love of your life know how much she or he means to you.

You are welcome to share the above love poem with your partner, but you may also wish to add a few personalized, “my love for you”, verses. I think that would be very sweet, especially since Valentine’s Day is less than a month away.

Have fun sharing today’s love poem with your sweetheart.



PUBLISHED: Oct 11, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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