Poems About Flowers

Martin Dejnicki
This post features a variety of rhyming poems about flowers. You'll find poetry that talks about roses, tulips, lilies, daisies, lilacs, chrysanthemums, poinsettias, orchids, and several popular and beautiful flowers.
12 min read
Table of contents
Poems About Roses
Roses are Red Poem
A Poem About Blue Roses
A Poem about Flowers and Love
A Poem about Spring Flowers (specifically tulips)
A Poem About Flowers Blooming
A Poem About a Beautiful Flower
A Poem About a Flower for Children

Explore and read interesting English literature flowers and poetry can be entertaining also one of the best ways to learn something new. Poets often inspired their poems in flowers and seasons.

Our fascination with flowers is not only because of their colour, scent and shape. But also because of what they symbolize, flower poetry is one form to get explicit about their shapes, colours and smells.

The first poem is meant to remind us why we share flowers with others.

We often share them as an expression or symbol of our love, best wishes, or sympathy. Regardless of our specific intentions, sharing flowers lets others know that we care about them and are thinking of them.

Also, who doesn't like receiving, smelling, and looking at flowers? I know I do.

Flowers We Share

A simple flower,

that's all it shall take.

For another soul,

to smile and wake.

Whether for lust,

love or passion,

Or sympathy and,


Spring tulips,


and delphiniums

peaceful clarity.

Our intentions,

flowers do serve.

We don't hesitate,

with those who deserve.

A mother's,

priceless expression.

And a lovers,

honest obsession.

When searching for words,

flowers we share.

Like a thousand sweet poems,

they show that we care.

By Martin Dejnicki

Personally, I find it as a very thoughtful gesture when people give flowers on just a random day of the week.

I think that's even more special than giving flowers on certain occasions like Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day.

On those days, everyone is doing it, and it's almost expected. But nobody expects to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers on a random Wednesday in the middle of the week.

Poems About Roses

The next few poems are about roses. These gorgeous flowers symbolize romantic love, beauty, and passion.

My Rose

My love for you,

lives like a rose.

Vibrant and beautiful,

passion it shows.

Each time I look upon you,

My eyes witness an event.

My body blooms with each infusion,

of your intoxicating scent.

Your beauty originates,

from the most sacred place.

If my heart looked in a mirror,

it would resemble your face.

They say - a rose in the snow,

is impossibly rare.

But, I must have you always,

Mother Nature I'll dare.

If I was an artist,

and you were my rose.

I could paint you with a blindfold,

and recall every pose.

When I wake each morning,

I accept every thorn.

To love you unconditionally,

with open petals I've sworn.

My love for you,

lives like a rose.

Our hearts like the petals,

Each other they chose.

By Martin Dejnicki

You may wish to share this poem with the love of your life.

I recommend that you print it out and attach it to a bouquet of roses (or even a single rose).

Maybe a single rose would be more meaningful, since the poem talks about one rose.

You also don't have to wait until Valentine's Day to share it with her. Do it right now.

Roses are Red Poem

I had a lot of fun writing the following roses are red poem. I hope you like it and share it with someone you care for and love dearly.

Roses are Red

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

The love that we share,

is honest and true.

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

Life is a gift,

when I'm right next to you.

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

holding hands,

We share the same view.

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

Through your love and affection,

my heart naturally grew.

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

Our souls are now one,

they used to be two.

Roses are red,

and violets are blue,

I learned about love,

the day I found you.

By Martin Dejnicki

It's up to you how you decide to share these roses are red verses. You may share them all at once as the entire poem. You could also choose to share each verse at time (such as daily). Since they're so short, you may choose to just text each verse to that wonderful love of your life.

A Poem About Blue Roses

Prior to writing this poem about blue roses, I had to do a little bit of research. First of all, I didn't know anything about them, besides seeing them a few times at the local flower shop. I found some info at Wikipedia about blue roses, and it looks like blue roses are a symbol of love and prosperity.

It also seems like blue roses symbolize, mystery, achieving the impossible (such as unattainable love), and offer youth to the recipient. They are also said to be able to grant wishes, love at first sight and enchantment. If you think about it, they are quite enchanting, since they're so unique and beautiful.

So based on that info, the following blue rose poem will be about the hope that exists when a person is madly in love with someone they will never be with.

Petals of Hope

Love is my master,

for I am its slave.

My heart and my soul,

I openly gave.

Just like a river,

flows down one way.

When shall it return,

I dream of that day.

When this miracle happens,

my blue rose shall grow.

On fields of cement,

covered in snow.

They say I am foolish,

along with my dream.

Each blue petal,

shall flow gently upstream.

Both fragrance and beauty,

I must passionately taste.

This blue rose I admire,

with my heart I have chased.

She defies nature,

her name is passed rare.

Our love and our lives,

I wish we could share.

I've waited so long,

for my blue rose to bloom.

Each day the passes,

a petal of hope,

I sadly consume.

By Martin Dejnicki

I tried to communicate the hope and frustration (and probably infatuation as well) that many people express when they can't have someone they admire and say they love.

Just like the river in the poem, the feelings flow just one way. They're not mutual, and never will be, if it's that truly unattainable love that we speak of.

As human beings, we need to understand and accept that love cannot be forced. Both individuals must feel the same way in order for it to work and bloom like a flower. We should never need to convince anyone to love us. If they decide to, it will come freely from their heart.

I hope the above poem about a blue rose reminds us to seek out love in the sky where the wind may travel in both directions. Not in a river, where it will always flow one way.

A Poem about Flowers and Love

The next poem is about flowers and love. You may share it with your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife. Enjoy!

Garden of Beauty

Like an elegant Calla Lily,

you possess pure beauty.

To love you like a daisy,

is my loyal passion and duty.

Romantic thoughts inside me,

burn like an intimate rose.

Kisses from sunlight,

desires impose.

With a red tulip,

my love I declare.

You're my delicate orchid,

that I cherish and care.

Like a sweet stephanotis,

you fill my whole life with bliss.

Your orange carnation lips,

engrave every kiss.

You're so lovely like a gardenia,

in the garden of spring.

Yellow daffodils about our happiness,

in the summer shall sing.

Like a blue violet,

I shall be faithful and true.

You're my garden of beauty,

and I will always love you.

By Martin Dejnicki

In the above poem, I tried to incorporate the various symbols of different flowers. If your partner loves flowers, I think it would be a thoughtful poem to share.

A Poem about Spring Flowers (specifically tulips)

The next poem is about tulips, which are very popular and beautiful spring flowers. They're actually my very favourite flowers.

Rainbow Tulips

A glorious flower,

which blooms in spring.

A sidewalk glance,

and our eyes shall sing.

Almost seems,

like a colourful cartoon.

Rainbow tulips,

in the month of June.

Universally supported,

by its long mysterious stem.

Prior to blooming,

we anticipate the gem.

It's all a fairy tale,

Purple ones are vividly sharp.

Expecting an angel,

on a unicorn with a harp.

Yellow, pink, orange,

serene, calm, white.

Hearts are lifted,

with a mere sight.

The beauty of it all,

is just like a spell.

With a thousand tulip fields,

not a single, I'd sell.

By Martin Dejnicki

To me, tulips are among the most beautiful flowers in world. The fact that they are also quite delicate just adds to their beauty.

A Poem About Flowers Blooming

Here's a poem that talks about flowers blooming. Flowers that have bloomed are not only attractive to look at but are also ready to be shared.


In the early spring night,

they seem quite reserved.

With their hidden beauty,

unspectacularly observed.

Each new morning offers hope,

along with a ray of light.

Patiently waiting for raindrops,

from a much greater height.

Days and weeks progress,

their steady journey evolves.

Our blindfolds slowly come off,

lack of attention it solves.

As they reach full bloom,

we stumble upon remind.

Countless jaws open with awe,

to our spirits these flowers are kind.

It's bloom we've awaited,

Bloom! is now here.

Let's savour these flowers,

thorns we don't fear.

The moment we realize,

they aged and they died.

We completely forget until,

with the next bloom we collide.

By Martin Dejnicki

Whenever I observe a beautiful garden or front yard filled with colourful flowers, it seems like I get completely mesmerized. This usually happens by pure chance, while jogging or visiting someone during the summer months.

Just like the above poem hints, I don't wait for the flowers to bloom. I also don't plan to stare at them. Nevertheless, they seem to attract my attention, just like they do with bees.

Based on my experiences, it seems like we don't show these flowers much respect or regard, prior to blooming or once they have died. We just care about them when they're beautiful, since this is the time when they provide us with eye candy.

It may seem like a sad existence on their part. But at least the cycle repeats itself each spring. For that, I am truly grateful.

A Poem About a Beautiful Flower

The next poem is about a beautiful flower and its journey. More specifically, it's about a michaelmas daisy. Hope you enjoy it.

Princess Daisy

It was late summer,

when she arrived on the scene.

She glanced around,

and was surrounded by green.

Her dress was of rich coloured petals,

ravishing purple and blue.

Her beauty was unmatched,

this was naturally true.

Petals in the wind,

they came here to follow.

Worship her beauty,

in the sunlight she'd wallow.

Men of soil became obsessed,

and called her their flower.

She attracted sidewalk travelers,

and a late summer shower.

It wasn't just her look,

that was elegant and sublime.

She was a rebellious princess,

that defied both seasons and time.

A million queens perished,

on the lush fields of green.

While this princess thrived,

rays of happiness she'd glean.

Her favourite flower,

the Michaelmas Daisy.

As she woke from her dream,

the soil was hazy.

By Martin Dejnicki

Does that poem talk about a princess or a daisy?

It's up to your interpretation. However, it can certainly go both ways. It may seem like the last verse reveals that it's about a Michaelmas Daisy, since she sees a hazy soil. But this may also be a princess who wakes up and looks outside her window, and witnesses the same thing.

Have you ever shared a beautiful bouquet of michaelmas daisies? I think they're among the most beautiful flowers, and it's amazing how they are late bloomers. They usually bloom in late summer and early autumn.

A Poem About a Flower for Children

I had a tonne of fun writing the next poem about a flower for children. You may share it with kids of any age, from kindergarten to infinity. Cheers!

Bee Orchid

Once upon a time,

there was a beautiful flower.

She stood strong and tall,

just like a tower.

Bee Orchid was her,

first and last name.

In the middle of June,

she was searching for fame.

She had a few petals,

they were bright pink.

When it rained from the clouds,

she was happy to drink.

I'm not kidding,

she looked like a bee.

She was really cool,

I know you'd agree.

By Martin Dejnicki

I wrote this poem because I thought that kids would be interested in the uniqueness of the bee orchid.

I was even quite fascinated myself. This flower actually looks like it has a bumblebee attached to it.

But that's just used to trick bees to pollinate the flower. It's truly amazing how nature has these little surprises scattered everywhere. The bee orchids are among them.

I'm also a big fan of chrysanthemums, lilies, and poinsettias. I'm definitely planning on writing poetry dedicated to those flowers in the near future.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my poems about flowers section. May your view always be filled with beautiful flowers and happiness.

PUBLISHED: Sep 30, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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