Poems About Loss

Martin Dejnicki
This post includes rhyming poems about loss, but more specifically, about losing a loved one. Honestly, these verses were among the most difficult to write, since they reminded me of my family and friends who have passed away.
27 min read
Table of contents
A Poem for a Funeral
Poem of Condolence
Poems about the loss of a Mother
Miss You Mom
Poem about the Loss of a Father
The Loss of a Child Poem
Loss of a Son Poem
Loss of a Daughter Poem
Loss of a Baby Poem
Pregnancy Loss Poem
Poems about the Loss of a Friend
Funeral Poem for Grandmother
Poem for Grandfather's Funeral
Funeral Poem for Brother
Loss of a Sister Poem
The Loss of a Husband Poem
The Loss of a Wife Poem

You may want to read one of these out loud at a funeral, share with someone as a way of offering your condolences, or read it to yourself to help you express your personal grief and feelings.

You'll also find more specific verses that talk about losing a mother, father, daughter, son, and baby.

I became emotional while writing some of these, especially the one that talks about the loss of a mom. That's probably because I just can't imagine how my life would be without her.

A Poem for a Funeral

The following verse may be read at the funeral of a loved one. Whether you decide to read it out loud, or hand out some copies to family and friends, it's up to you. Personally, I usually try to read it out loud, even though it's always so difficult.

In Our Minds

We stand motionless,

consumed in grief.

Sorrow has arrived,

with smiles thief.

We're gathered here,

to mourn and cry.

Our questions pointing,

at the clear blue sky.

Why did you go,

why did you leave,

Life without you,

is so hard to conceive.

Our hearts are damaged,

and scarred severely.

We shall miss you,

much more than dearly.

For having you in our lives,

we've all been blessed.

But now the time has arrived,

for you to rest.

We promise to cherish,

our memories of you.

You shall live in our minds,

and all that we do.

By Martin Dejnicki

The next one is very touching, and was submitted by Kerry Greenaway. Thank you Kerry for sharing your thoughts and emotions with us. Many of us will be able to relate during our difficult times.

A Daddy's Loss

No-one knows the pain

you're feeling deep inside,

You either want to scream and shout

or run away and hide,

Your gorgeous boy so like you,

taken away so fast,

the love of a Daddy gone with him,

which will always last.

I didnt get to know him well

this I will always regret,

but with your help and others

his face we won't forget.

I`m your little sister

I feel some of your pain,

so close to you growing up

I love you still the same.

You feel like you should do more,

but you need your time too,

to grieve for your precious boy

so cruelly stole from you.

I'm here anytime you need me,

I`ll listen when you shout,

it's all too much to handle bro

you have to let it out.

So when you need a shoulder,

I'll be right here for you,

Coz every time you're feeling pain

I can feel it too.

My big bro I love you

and I really find it unfair,

that Ashton was too good for Earth

and had to go up there.

So while I wait for your call,

I'll keep writing poetry,

a talent new discovered

I'm sure Ashton sent to me.

By Martin Dejnicki 

It's very difficult to cope when a loved one passes away. We face countless emotions including sorrow and heartbreak.

It becomes even more difficult on us when the deceased is very close to us.

Poem of Condolence

This poem of condolence is intended to be shared with either friends or family. It's just one way that you may show your support and sorrow for their loss.

Deepest Sympathy

My deepest sympathy,

I wish to express.

I'm here for you,

during your distress.

You and your family,

share a pain that is deep.

I feel so sad,

watching you weep.

If there's any way,

that I may assist.

I'll gladly help,

I truly insist.

About your loss,

I'm so sorry to hear.

Right next to you,

I'll share every fear.

Just want to say,

that it's ok to cry.

It must be so hard,

to just say goodbye.

So much sorrow,

your heart must feel.

I promise to support you,

through your pain and ordeal.

By Martin Dejnicki 

The above poem will definitely help you communicate to those you care about that you will be there for them during their time of grief and loss.

I think that showing sympathy along with offering support is important.

The support may come in various forms. It may be emotional, by simply listening to your friends or loved ones as they express their grief and dolefulness.

This support may also be monetary or by offering your time.

The most important thing is to offer your condolences as soon as you find out.

Waiting too long may seem a bit inconsiderate, in my opinion at least.

Poems about the loss of a Mother

The next few poems are about the loss of a mother. Losing a mom must be devastating for her children, no matter their age. The first two were submitted by Patricia Capansky. I think they're absolutely beautiful, and I truly hope they help you express your feelings.


There's not a single day goes by

that I don't think of you

the kindness and the love you showed

in everything you'd do.

You tried to teach us right from wrong

until we were all grown

and there's no way that any of us

could have ever, ever known;

That God would take you from us

while I was still quite young

and though we all still needed you

your work on earth was done.

But I know you're watching over us

from somewhere up above

'cause sometimes I can feel the warmth

of a Mother's precious love

And I know the warmth and love I feel

can't come from any other

than the Angel that the Lord has made

from my sweet loving Mother.

And though it's been a long, long time,

since God took you away

Dear Mother I miss you so much

it seems like yesterday.

By Martin Dejnicki 

The next one was written in memory of Patricia's mom on Mother's Day (May 14th, 2000)


I was just a young girl

when God took her away

to be with Him in Heaven

where we'll meet again someday.

And the loss of my Dear Mother

just tore my world apart,

but till she holds me once again,

I'll hold her in my heart.

I was only thirteen then,

I needed her so much

her bright and reassuring smile,

her tender loving touch.

But God saw fit to call her home,

with her Angelic face

so for her in His Angel Band,

He must have had a place.

And I know I'll be with her

someday really soon

beyond the clouds, the sun and stars

and way beyond the moon

I know I'll see her lovely face

on Heavens Golden Shore,

We'll hold each other once again,

and my tears shall flow no more.

By Martin Dejnicki 

Miss You Mom

Miss You Mom

Tears falling continuously,

into my open palm.

This pain that I feel,

from the loss of my dear mom.

It's just unbearable,

how I miss her right now.

Looking down on her coffin,

in pure sorrow I bow.

She was a beautiful lady,

that I loved and admired.

Through the love that she showed me,

my days she inspired.

I simply cannot imagine,

the days and nights up ahead.

My heart shall be hungry,

and my soul won't be fed.

She was the most amazing,

mother and friend.

My final respects,

with a kiss I extend.

Since the day of my birth,

she loved me so dearly.

I'll miss her forever,

from my heart and sincerely.

By Martin Dejnicki 

It must be extremely difficult to lose a parent, whether it's your mother or father. I can't imagine the grief and sorrow that a person must feel when it happens to them.

Poem about the Loss of a Father

The next poem is about the loss of a father. You may also wish to share it or read it out loud at your dad's funeral.

My Father

My head hangs low,

I'm somber and sad.

For the loss of my dear,

and most loving dad.

My thoughts and feelings,

are so hard to explain.

Multiplied by infinity,

my sorrow and pain.

My father worked hard,

was the most wonderful guy.

I cannot come to terms,

to let go and say bye.

Since I was young,

he brought joy to each day.

Loved us unconditionally,

and would openly display.

I'll miss him so much,

my tears say it all.

As a wake in the night,

his name I shall call.

As my precious father,

and my guiding light.

Having him in my life,

was a fortunate delight.

He lived life,

with honor and grace.

But now he must rest,

in a much better place.

By Martin Dejnicki 

It must be extremely difficult to lose ones father. If your father has recently passed away, maybe the above poem will help you express some of your feelings and grief. You may even wish to add a few personal verses to the poem and read it at your father's funeral.

When we lose our father, at the same time someone else in our family loses a husband, and brother, and cousin, and even son. We just need to keep in mind that the sorrow and pain that we feel is shared with both our family and friends. This means we are not alone, and our tears are not the only ones that are mourning his loss.

The Loss of a Child Poem

The next six poems are about losing a child. The experience of losing a child must be absolutely horrific. I just can't imagine how so many mothers and fathers out there must feel when one of their children passes away. These poems were written for those parents to help them mourn.

Dear Sweet Child

My dear sweet child,

that I've raised and cherished.

With your tragic passing,

my soul has perished.

My heart fell instantly,

and broke into a million pieces.

This sorrow and grief I feel,

each second increases.

This is not right nor how,

life should ever be.

It's my polished coffin,

you should look down and see.

For all of eternity,

my burning tears shall freely flow.

The love in your heart,

you would openly show.

Dear sweet child,

my worst nightmare has come true.

For life shall never be,

the same without you.

By Martin Dejnicki 

I know a few parents that have lost a child. The grief that I see in their eyes is permanent. No matter how many years ago they lost their child, for them it will always seem like it happened just yesterday. They try to be happy and live life to the fullest, but it just seems to me that they will never return to the same blissful happiness that they possessed when their child was living.

Those are just my observations, so I may be wrong. However, if you've been struck with the tragedy of losing your child, I would like to share my deepest sympathy, and I hope you are able to find peace in your heart.

Loss of a Son Poem

The next poem talks about the loss of a son. A few family friends of mine lost their sons, and I will attempt to convey some of their sorrow through this poem.

I Cry

Precious son of mine,

forever my boy.

Your life on earth,

brought me pure joy.

I watched you each day,

as you developed and grew.

My life was complete,

peaceful and true.

The day that you left,

my heart suddenly stopped.

I fell to the ground,

my body just dropped.

I refused to believe,

this horrible fate.

My world lost its sun,

my soul felt the weight.

My only friend now,

are the tears that I weep.

The piercing pain in my heart,

is infinitely deep.

My mind shall forever,

repeatedly ask why,

The lonely answer,

will be the tears that I cry.

By Martin Dejnicki 

In the past few years, I've lost a few friends who were in their mid to late 20s at the time. These young men lost their lives to accidents that could have been avoided. They were healthy, intelligent, and loving individuals who had the rest of their life to look forward to. It just took an instant for everything to end.

I'm saddened at the future that they lost. I'm also sad at the many future memories so many of us won't be able to share with them. But my greatest grief and sorrow occurs when I talk and look into the eyes of their parents. I just can't imagine how they must feel. I can't imagine how each day, and each hour must feel for those people, while everyone else is busy with their routines.

I would also like to share a poem that is dedicated to memory of Patrice O'Neal. He was a really good comedian and a very nice guy.

Loss of a Daughter Poem

Here's a very sad poem that talks about losing a daughter. When parents lose their daughter, they must feel extremely helpless, shocked, and filled with the deepest of sorrows. This poem in particular compares a daughter with that of dawn.


My daughter, and princess,

where have you gone,

I'm covered in sorrow,

from dawn until dawn.

If dawn marks the beginning,

of each mornings light.

Then you were my dawn,

that gave my heart sight.

When you left this world,

I prayed for a dream.

But I could not wake,

only frantically scream.

The most beautiful life,

for you I had planned.

It seeped between my grasp,

like a handful of sand.

I'd give everything,

for one last moment with you,

I would never let go,

for my love is so true.

My daughter, and princes,

I weep, that you're gone.

My eyes are now blind,

I'll never see dawn.

By Martin Dejnicki 

That last verse represents how a mother or father may feel upon finding out that their daughter has died. They would feel like the world has just ended and the feeling or notion of happiness (dawn) will never be possible again.

Loss of a Baby Poem

Personally, I had a tough time writing the following loss of a baby poem. That's because babies are the most innocent human beings that are just beginning their lives. Whenever I hear that a baby has passed away, my heart just sinks and I feel angry at the injustice of it all.

Precious Baby

Your little cheeks,

and your little arms.

To my heart and soul,

the most precious charms.

Life without you,

I just cannot conceive.

My memory of you,

forever shall grieve.

The most beautiful baby,

with the cutest smile.

you blessed us all,

but just for awhile.

Your journey in life,

was suddenly taken.

From this horrible dream,

I wish to awaken.

You were so happy,

with a smile so kind.

Every second we spent,

I shall keep in my mind.

Precious baby,

please rest in peace.

My love for you,

never shall cease.

By Martin Dejnicki 

This very sad poem may be shared with the parents who just lost their beloved baby girl or boy. This could be a newborn or a baby that is a few months of age. Personally, I don't know whether I would be able to stay composed enough to read it out loud at a baby's funeral. I just can't imagine the grief that mothers and fathers must feel when a tragedy such as this strikes them.

When an elderly person passes away, it's still sad, but we accept it as a part of life. We feel happy that the person was fortunate enough to live a long life. But when it happens to an infant, it's just so unfair. Babies that die are not given a chance. They'll never enjoy their childhood, their teenage years, or a prosperous and joyful adulthood. All of that is taken away from them. Those thoughts are so difficult to accept.

Pregnancy Loss Poem

The next poem talks about the loss of an unborn baby during pregnancy.

My Greatest Sadness

I nurtured and loved you,

in body and womb.

my greatest sadness,

that you shall not bloom.

Sometimes life,

is tragically unfair.

The loss in my heart,

no longer can bear.

You were barely,

given a chance.

From the beginning,

with hope I would dance.

I sit in the corner,

where I cry all alone.

My heart made of sand,

I wish it was stone.

Dear unborn baby,

my love shall not fade.

My soul at this moment,

needs your touch and your aid.

My memory of you,

will always be tender.

My grief and my hope,

I shall never surrender.

By Martin Dejnicki 

I just can't imagine the sorrow that a mother must feel when she is faced with such a tragedy. I'm at a loss for words.

Poems about the Loss of a Friend

These poems talk about the loss of a friend. We all experience this type of loss at certain stages in our lives. Losing a close friend is the same as losing a family member. The pain is very similar.


When you left this world,

I lost more than a friend.

All our future moments,

we were planning to spend.

About our friendship,

I can never say enough.

Not having you around,

will be somber and tough.

You were truly special,

so much we shared.

We were there for each other,

and mutually cared.

Now that you're gone,

I feel an instant void.

Remember those times,

we laughed and enjoyed.

Not having you next to me,

just doesn't feel right.

My tears shall run freely,

through the darkness of night.

I will always remember you,

and all that that you meant.

I'll cherish our memories,

through the years that we spent.

By Martin Dejnicki 

It's very tough when we lose a friend to either an illness or an accident. If it's an illness that they have been fighting for an extended period of time, then we are prepared for it. However, we can never prepare for the void that we'll feel in our hearts.

When we lose a friend as a result of an accident, it always comes like a huge shock to us.

In the end, the only things that remain are the memories that we created with that friend. That's something that may never be taken away from us.

Patricia Capansky wrote the next poem in memory of her dear friend who died of cancer.


I lost a real Dear Friend

who's face I'll see no more,

unless we meet again someday

on Heaven's Golden Shore.

I prayed for her salvation

every night and every day,

that she would give her soul to God

before she went away.

And though I'll miss her very much,

I know it's best for her,

the pain that she was going through

was too much to endure.

So Father if she's there with You,

please tell my Friend for me,

I pray that when my time is through

her face again I'll see.

By Patricia Capansky

Here's a poem that talks about the passing of President Reagan in 2004

Funeral Poem for Grandmother

Here's a funeral poem for all those wonderful grandmother's out there that have passed away.


She lived her life,

with grace and cheer.

An amazing grandma,

to many so dear.

She placed her family,

at the top of her list.

Her presence and voice,

will surely be missed.

She was the type,

Her big smile would greet.

To those around her,

generous and sweet.

With her time on this earth,

she was selfless and kind.

The memory of her,

shall grow in each mind.

We loved our grandma,

and forever we will.

Thoughts of her,

our days we shall fill.

With tears of sadness,

together we cry.

With heavy hearts,

we share this goodbye.

By Martin Dejnicki 

One of my grandmothers passed away nearly two years ago. I can't believe it's been almost two years ago. The last time I saw her was at my sister's wedding. She was a very practical lady, with a big heart.

When I look back at that wedding, naturally, I get a bitter sweet feeling. It was sweet because my sister was beginning her new married life. But it was also sad, since it was the last time that I saw my grandmother. I remember vividly, dancing with her, and chatting about the future. When we were saying our goodbyes, I almost felt like she didn't want to leave. It felt like, as if she knew this would be the last time that we exchange smiles.

Here's another poem that may connect with. I hope it helps you express your feelings and emotions.


They say that time can heal all wounds

and this I know is true,

So time is what it's going to take

For every one of you.

And when enough time has gone by

in weeks or months or years,

Fond memories of the times you've shared,

will then replace your tears.

But as for now a brand new star

lights up the Heaven blue,

Brightening up the darkest nights

to help you make it through.

And even though God called her home,

she's never really gone,

Remaining always in your heart,

her memory will live on.

By Martin Dejnicki 

Poem for Grandfather's Funeral

The following poem you may decide to read at your grandfather's funeral. Honestly, I wish I had that opportunity in the past.


Grandpa you've been,

my teacher and guide.

A wonderful man,

I could easily confide.

You taught me so much,

about life and respect.

My grief just grows,

the more I reflect.

Since I was baby,

you showed me the way.

I wish I could somehow,

thank and repay.

I looked up to you,

you'd always speak your mind.

With your passion for life,

you were genuinely kind.

You encouraged me,

to live life with energy and zest.

My heart is now broken,

as we lay you to rest.

For a beautiful life,

I offer my praise.

Love you sincerely,

till the end of my days.

By Martin Dejnicki 

My first grandfather passed away when I was just 12 years old. I remember sitting with him in his living room, and he told me (a few months prior to his passing) that this would probably be the last time that we would see each other.

He told me to make sure that I take care of my mother and my sister. He also wished me a joyful and prosperous life. He was only 59.

My other grandfather died of prostate cancer in 2000. I was very close to him, and I felt very guilty for several years following his death. I felt guilty because I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I was busy with my daily routines. I also didn't the extent of his condition. His passing was a shock to me, since I was convinced that he would recover. But he didn't, and my heart just broke the moment I found out.

Funeral Poem for Brother

The next funeral poem is for a brother that lost his life. I truly hope this poem helps you express your sorrow.

My Brother

My brother, my friend,

why did you leave.

My heart and my soul,

forever shall grieve.

You had so much life,

to give and to share.

And so many qualities,

that were exceptionally rare.

When we were young,

we'd fight and we'd play.

But no matter what,

I loved you each day.

In you and your dreams,

I always believed.

I was so proud,

of all you achieved.

But now that you're gone,

I'm covered in gloom.

Sadness and sorrow,

each day I consume.

Dear brother of mine,

I wished for this never.

My love for you,

shall be here forever.

By Martin Dejnicki 

I can't imagine what it must feel to lose a brother. It must be like losing a part of who you are. When a person loses his or her brother, life changes forever.

My mother lost one of her brother's to a car accident 18 years ago. She shared a close bond with him, and when he passed away, she was completely devastated.

If you lost your brother, I hope you find peace and closure in heart.

In Loving Memory of our Youngest Brother, Larry

The next poem was written in memory of Patricia Capansky's youngest brother, Larry. Patricia, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us, it's a beautiful poem.


He never knew our Mother

or her tender loving smile

because when God called our Mom home,

he was only here a while.

At eleven months of age

he was the youngest of us all

so the memories of that tragic wreck,

he was too young to recall.

The car had rolled down this steep band

and wrapped around a tree,

so from the highway up above,

it was pretty hard to see.

Out of seven people in that car

four of them survive,

but it had to be a miracle

that kept those four alive.

Our Mother and our Uncle

and our little Cousin too,

had all been taken from us

when that accident was all through.

Our Uncle who was driving

had a heart attack that day

which brought about that awful wreck,

that took our Mom away.

Our youngest Sister took the baby

and climbed back to the road,

a child of only eleven years

was carrying quite a load.

She flagged down cars and got some help

as quickly as she could,

but for the three that didn't survive,

help couldn't do much good.

So now our youngest Brother,

at the age of fifty five

is in the battle of his life,

trying to stay alive.

In the Year Two Thousand Six

and on December Twenty Two,

another journey has begun,

his time on earth is through.

A.L.L. has taken him

from his loved ones here below

and I can't explain how much it hurt

to see him have to go.

But I know that with the Angels

up to Heaven he has flown

where at last he'll meet the Mother,

whom he's really never known;

And I pray he'll see our loved ones

who have all gone on before,

when our Heavenly Father welcomes him

through Heaven's Open Door.

By Patricia Capansky

Loss of a Sister Poem

This poem talks about the sorrow that siblings feel when faced with the death of their sister. Dealing with such a loss is very difficult for the whole family. In many cases, a sibling not only loses a sister, but also a best friend.

Sister and Best Friend

The moment I realized,

my sister just died.

My hands cradled my face,

and I frantically cried.

Why did this happen,

and how could this be.

She had so much to live for,

we could all clearly see.

My heart simply dropped,

and felt a sharp pain.

My tears fell instantly,

Like a severe August rain.

I was truly lucky,

to have a sister like her.

Countless others,

nod and concur.

I will miss our talks,

and her comforting voice.

And those random moments,

where we'd mutually rejoice.

Rest in peace,

Sister and best friend,

My deepest love,

to the sky I shall send.

By Martin Dejnicki 

If your sister passed away, I hope she rests in peace.

In Loving Memory of our Youngest Sister, Shirley

Here's an emotional poem submitted by Patricia Capansky, where she talks about her sister Shirley, fighting and eventually losing her battle with cancer.


We lost our youngest Brother

at the age of 55,

now our youngest Sister is in a battle

trying to stay alive.

The cancer in her lung

has moved into her brain,

but I am thankful at this time,

she's not in too much pain.

They gave her radiation

for the tumor in her head,

then followed up with chemo

which she quickly came to dread.

After just a few rounds

the chemo took its toll,

she could not stand nor walk,

she just lost all control.

Since the day she lost her strength,

she's never walked again

and the chances for survival now,

are getting pretty slim.

Her body's getting weaker now

with each day that goes by,

which causes her to lose what will

she has to even try.

She's weary, tired of fighting,

she gave all she had to give.

not able to go home again

she's lost the will to live.

A Nursing Home in Cisco

is where our Sister stays

and that is where she will remain,

throughout her final days.

It's the 17th of August,

our Sister's final day,

with her Husband sitting by her bed

she quietly slips away.

The Angels came and took her

to her new home way up high,

to rejoin loved ones gone before

to that Mansion in the sky.

And we all miss her so much,

her face we'll see no more

until we meet again someday

on Heaven's Golden Shore;

But till that time we meet again,

although we're far apart,

we'll keep her memory always

and forever in our heart.

By Patricia Capansky

The Loss of a Husband Poem

This poem is dedicated to all those widows out there that lost their husband.

My Husband, My Life

Mere words shall never,

explain how I feel.

My heart has been broken,

it's much worse than real.

My husband and partner,

that I cherished so dearly.

Has left me alone,

while my soul aches severely.

We were so happy,

as we welcomed each day.

Nothing can bring him back,

my life is now grey.

It just feels like life,

is the most horrible thief.

My new companions,

shall be sorrow and grief.

He'd want me to stay strong,

and live life with a smile.

But I can't accept that,

not for awhile.

I shall always love,

my husband, my life.

Till the end of eternity,

I'll be his wife.

By Martin Dejnicki 

When a wife loses her husband, she probably feels as if her life just ended. The pain of losing your partner in life must be immense. If there are younger children involved, the mother must also remain strong for her kid's sake. All of this can be overwhelming.

Crying, talking with friends and family, and the passage of time, are a few things that will help. But there is no cure for the sorrow and pain. That's something that will never go away.

It must also be extremely difficult when a loved one goes missing. Well that's what this poem is about.

The Loss of a Wife Poem

The last poem in this section talks about the pain that one feels when faced with the loss of his wife.

My Life

Stood in the rain,

confused and alone.

Listening to her voice,

saved on my phone.

Remained motionless,

weeping for hours.

The beauty I lost,

like late summer flowers.

The rain subsided,

but not my tears.

Anger arrived,

with countless more fears.

To lose this angel,

I did not deserve.

For all of eternity,

her smile shall serve.

She was much more,

than just my wife.

She was my everything,

She was my life.

By Martin Dejnicki 

Thank you for taking the time to read my poems about loss.

You are welcome to share them with your loved ones.

If you have recently lost a loved one, I would also like to offer my deepest sympathy.

I just feel that it's very important to remember the deceased and all the good moments you have shared.

I often feel sad when I think of loved ones that have left this world. Their memory and spirit lives through me and others who were close to them.

PUBLISHED: Oct 02, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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