Poems for Daughters

Martin Dejnicki



Here's a collection of sweet poems for daughters that you may share with your wonderful daughter(s). Some of these poems are more specific and meant to be shared with a daughter by her mother or father. There's also one written for a daughter's birthday, a funny/humorous one, and several more, unique poems.
11 min read
Table of contents
A Daughter Like You
A Poem about a Daughter
I Love My Daughter Poem
A Poem from a Mother to a Daughter
A Poem from a Father to a Daughter
A Poem from Parents to Daughter
Birthday Poem for a Daughter
Funny Daughter Poem
A Wedding Poem for my Daughter

No matter how old our precious girls may be (5 years old or 55) big or little, it's always nice to let them know how much we love them and how much they mean to us. It's always a pleasure to gift our daughters with poems birthday cards or select the best messages and quotes for them, read poetry it's such a great way to celebrate them.

That's exactly what the first poem is trying to communicate. The best way to share poetry and to connect with someone you love. Maybe mother daughter poems can express the honest feelings of true commitment and picture all the appreciation for our daughters.

I think it's a very nice gesture of gratitude that we may show them also their beautiful daughter poems. We don't need to wait for her birthday or a special occasion to send her daughter birthday cards or to share a poem like this with her and share our love. I think it may be even more special if we surprise our daughters and share it with them on a random ordinary day.

A Daughter Like You

You're my daughter,

and I'd just like to say,

You bring me joy,

each and every day.

Whenever I think,

or look at you,

I know I'm blessed,

that's wonderfully true.

You're very special,

thoughtfully care,

A helping hand,

always willing to share.

You're always determined,

to achieve what's in your mind,

Thinking of others,

you're actions are kind.

I shall admit,

we're a wonderful team,

To have a daughter like you,

was my ultimate dream.

By Martin Dejnicki

A Poem about a Daughter

Now's here's a poem that talks about a daughter and what it means to have a daughter in one's life.

Other Half

A daughter is someone,

you may always depend,

With a beautiful heart,

she's your very close friend.

About anything, you may,

open and talk,

Seek helpful advice,

during a refreshing nice walk.

She will comfort you,

when you're just feeling down,

Understands you so well,

every expression and frown.

A daughter is someone,

you may joke with and laugh,

She is clearly,

your other half.

By Martin Dejnicki

This poem is perfect for you to share with your daughter if you're both very close. The bond between a parent and her or his daughter has the potential of being very strong. When this happens it seems like they're inseparable. 

They call each other every single day to see how the other person is doing. In a close relationship like that they also tell each other everything (even the most personal things). This type of bond is clearly based on a lot of love and unwavering trust.

I Love My Daughter Poem

The following poem will help you tell your daughter that you love her very much. It's also meant to be inspirational.

I Love My Daughter

I love my daughter,

with my heart and soul,

Having her in my life,

makes me peaceful and whole.

She brings me joy,

and happiness so sweet,

When she feels pain,

my heart skips a beat.

I love my daughter,

she's gentle and kind,

She's so thoughtful,

and has a beautiful mind.

She's one of those people,

that instinctively cares,

Her time and knowledge,

with others she shares.

I love my daughter,

since her birth, I have won,

She knows how to laugh,

and loves to have fun.

Since she was a child,

she'd routinely amaze,

I'll love my daughter,

beyond the end of my days.

By Martin Dejnicki

I hope you get a chance to share this poem with your daughter. Remember, it doesn't matter how old she might be at the time. If she's really young, you could still share it with her and she'll eventually understand it and it will mean a lot to her in the future.

And if she's older, she'll appreciate it when you share it with her right now.

A Poem from a Mother to a Daughter

The next poem is from a mother to a daughter, who are usually quite close and share a special bond. I'm actually going to email this poem to my mom and tell her to share it with her only daughter (my sister).

Precious Rose

From the day that you were born,

and I held you very close,

I knew in my joyful heart,

that you're my very precious rose.

My life changed for the better,

I felt it in my heart,

I just knew, for the rest of my life,

we'd never be apart.

Months and years have passed,

and I watched you mature and grow,

I promised myself, forever,

my love for you, I'll show.

I wish you a beautiful life,

filled with joy and infinite bliss,

I'll always be your mother,

and my precious rose I kiss.

By Martin Dejnicki

When a daughter is still a child, the mother offers guidance and tries to be the best possible parent and role model that she possibly can.

But when this child grows up and becomes a young adult, the relationship may change more into a close friendship. Since the daughter no longer requires instructions at every step and has become a self-thinking individual who makes her own decisions.

As a result, the mutual friendship is based on things such as trust and understanding, where both the mother and daughter both seek and offer advice and reassurance. But while other friendships may end for one reason or another, the bond and friendships between a daughter and her mother are rarely ever broken.

A Poem from a Father to a Daughter

Now, here's a poem from a father to a daughter. All fathers love their daughter very much, and always wish the best for them, and want to make sure they're safe. Fathers seem very protective when it comes to their daughters, and rightfully so.

So if you're a father and you have a daughter, share the following poem with her. I'm sure she'll love it.

My Daughter

I've always been so happy,

and way beyond just glad,

That I have a daughter like you,

and I get to be your dad.

Sometimes in plain old words,

might be hard for me to express,

But having you in my life,

is the top of my success.

Let me tell you one thing,

that my love for you is dear,

Whenever you enter my mind,

my heart beings to cheer.

I promise to always care,

be kind, and show respect.

I'll do everything in my power,

to keep you safe and to protect.

It doesn't matter how old,

the years may help you turn,

I'll always be your father,

who shows love and true concern.

By Martin Dejnicki

Since fathers are also men, sometimes it may be difficult for them to express how they feel in words or verbally. Fathers express their love for their children through their selfless actions (always being there for them when needed).

Well I hope that poem helps all you fathers out there show your daughters how much you love them and how much it means having them in your lives.

A Poem from Parents to Daughter

The next one is a poem from parents to their daughter. So this poem may be given to a daughter from both dad and mom. While the previous ones were specifically from the mother or father.

Our Daughter

You are our daughter,
and we love you so much,
From the day you were born,
and that very first touch.

You came into our lives,
and made it much more,
We knew right away,
it became better than before.

We wish that you live,
a life that's truly complete,
Hope it's filled with adventures,
may your memories be sweet.

We'd just like to say,
we're tremendously proud,
and to love you forever,
in our hearts, we have vowed.

By Martin Dejnicki

That was just a simple poem where parents are wishing their daughter a beautiful life, while also mentioning that they love her very much.

All parents want the very best for their daughters and sons. That's why there are countless parents out there that would give the world to their kids in a blink of an eye. I also think as daughters and sons, we need to keep that in mind and try to repay them with our love, our time, and help them out whenever they need our assistance.

Birthday Poem for a Daughter

The next one is a short rhyming birthday poem. This poem may be shared with your daughter no matter how old she is. Whether she is celebrating her, 1st, 16th, 18th, 21st, 40th, or 70th birthday, this poem is relevant to every single daughter out there.

Special and Rare

Happy birthday,

beautiful daughter of mine,

When I look at you,

your eyes always shine.

Your personality,

I truly admire,

Your love for life,

is here to inspire.

It's been another,

absolutely wonderful year,

That I've been blessed,

with you my dear.

Countless birthday wishes,

I would like to share,

With a daughter like you,

that is special and rare.

One of these wishes,

In my heart, I constantly feel,

It's the love that I have for you,

which is boundless and real.

By Martin Dejnicki

A daughter's birthday is obviously a big deal. It's a day when special memories are created. I think the best gift you could ever give your daughter on her birthday is your love. Let her know how much you love her and how much she means to you and how blessed you are for having her in your life. No material possession or gift could ever beat that.

Funny Daughter Poem

Up to this point the poems were pretty much very sentimental and inspirational in nature. But let's switch things up a bit by writing a funny one, so that you may make your daughter laugh. About 30 minutes later. Ok, I'm done, hope you like it.

Special Daughter

You're my daughter,

and I'm glad you're my own.

You're full of surprises,

I hope you don't clone.

You're truly special,

in a very unique way,

I know you're expensive,

for last month, I must pay.

I must say,

I'd never trade,

You seem determined,

when I am afraid.

I do love you,

a super great deal,

Your humorous ways,

certainly heal.

You better place,

this poem in a frame,


I'll just change the name.

Just remember,

you're my special daughter,

Now please be kind,

and bring me some water.

By Martin Dejnicki

I hope that daughter poem made you laugh. Now you have the opportunity to share it with your wonderful and special daughter. I hope she finds it funny. A good friend of mine shared it with his step-daughter, and she really like it.

A Wedding Poem for my Daughter

Here's a wedding poem that you may share with your beautiful daughter on her wedding day. I hope she has a wonderful wedding, and splendid life.

Daughter and Bride

You look so beautiful,

on this wedding day of yours,

My heart is filled with joy,

and my spirit just soars.

This day has been repeated,

in my mind and my dream.

You have chosen,

a wonderful theme.

You are a splendid,

and the luckiest bride,

My countless emotions,

I can no longer hide.

I'm completely ecstatic,

for you and your groom,

I know both your lives,

like a flower shall bloom.

My precious daughter,

I wish you the very best,

May you live happily,

and with plenty of zest.

By Martin Dejnicki

A daughter's wedding day is obviously a very big deal for the parents of the bride. They need to show their support and joy as they watch their daughter begin a new chapter in her life. It must be one of those bitter sweet moments, where the parents are happy that their daughter has found someone to spend the rest of her life with. But they also know that they probably won't see her as often as they'd like, because she will begin her own life, with her own responsibilities.

I hope you enjoyed reading these daughter poems, and I also hope they will bring joy to your daughter's life/day.

PUBLISHED: Sep 28, 2023



Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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Rudolpho Galicia
Nov 08, 2023
My friend I hope I have half the talent you have to be so creative in your thoughts and in your heart. Bless you sir and your family. Please don't stop, you have given me some much need inspiration.
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