Poems for Sisters

Martin Dejnicki
Here's a little collection of poems for sisters. Feel free to share any of these rhyming poems with that special sister in your life. They're meant to be short and cute, and they all rhyme quite nicely.
12 min read
Table of contents
Birthday Poem for a Sister
Sister Day Poem
Sister Day Poem
A Poem about Sisters and Brothers
A Poem for My Sister
Poem for a Little Sister
Poem For Your Sister-In Law
A Poem for a Big Sister
Wedding Poem for a Sister
A Very Funny Sister Poem
A Poem About Twin Sisters
Missing My Sister Poem

The inspiration and motivation behind these poems came from the great relationship that I always have with my sister, and maybe you can use a few good quotes too, poetry is an excellent way to tell someone special how much we appreciated them.

You may want to share these with your new half sister, sorority sister, or even your baby sister. I know they would like it very much.

The first one is a poem for a sister from a sister, you can read this for her that would be a great touch, the best poems are the closest to our heart.

If you share a close relationship or bond with your sister, this may be the one for you. It talks about a sister being a best friend. So this poem could be very meaningful to your wonderful sister. I hope it's sentimental enough.

Coffee and Crème

A special sister and best friend,

Time with you, I love to spend.

Always been there, through thick and thin,

I know your thoughts, through your grin.

A special sister and best friend,

My gratitude, I wish to send,

Your kindness keeps me very warm,

Great conversations are the norm.

A special sister and best friend,

Your dreams and thoughts, I shall defend.

We are more than just a team,

I'm your coffee, you're my crème.

By Martin Dejnicki

That was a classic example of two sisters sharing a very close bond and friendship. I have an older sister myself, and sometimes I just need to remind myself that I need to show her my appreciation for everything she does. Sometimes, all you have to do is just say - "Thank You!". That first poem reminds me of the importance of doing that.

I also think that poem could help you show or remind your sister how much you love her and how much she means to you.

Birthday Poem for a Sister

What about a nice birthday poem written specifically for a sister? That's exactly what the next poem is about. You may want to give your special sister the following poem for her 21th, 18th, 40th, 30th or even 50th birthday. But it doesn't have to be a milestone birthday. It can be any birthday. You may even include with a unique birthday card (maybe funny), and sprinkle a few of your personal birthday wishes in your secret code.

Happy Birthday Sister

Wishing you a wonderful day,

Happy birthday sister, I'd like to say,

Don't you worry about the years,

I am sending, plenty of cheers.

So many things, you certainly deserve,

I know this, because I observe.

But if you don't get that purse,

My love is clear, in this verse.

I wish you only the very best,

Health and happiness, and all the rest.

Hope my hugs are warm and hearty,

Are you ready for your party?

By Martin Dejnicki

The second line in the last stanza says it all. It mentions wishing your sister both health and happiness. If we really think about, aren't those two things probably among the most important things in life? When we are healthy and happy, life is beautiful.

When my sister and I were much, much younger (kids), it may have seemed like she was super duper annoying. But we grew up, and now I think she's great and an amazing lady. I just want to thank her for always being a supportive big sister that I could always count on for being there for me.

Sister Day Poem

I decided to write the following sister day poem when I realized that the first Sunday of August is Sister's Day. Right now it's August 10th, so I will need to send my sister belated sister's day wishes. I think I will also email her the following poem:

Beautiful Sister

Let's celebrate our special bond,

My loving sister, I am fond.

These words are simple and sincere,

You're my sister, you're my dear.

A beautiful sister, with a beautiful heart,

I've been blessed from the very start.

Wounds I caused, hope they heal,

Your joys and sorrows, I do feel.

Our relationship, is more than good,

I'll do everything, that I could.

I love the way we talk and connect,

Cherish you with the outmost respect.

By Martin Dejnicki

Now that is a verse that could make you cry. I nearly shed a tear, and I'm supposed to be a tough guy, lol. If believe that you have the best sister in the world, than that would be the perfect poem to share with her.

A Poem about Sisters and Brothers

This poem about sisters and brothers came to me very naturally, simply because I could recall all the adventures and time that I spent with my sister over the years. What I'm trying to say is that - I get it.

So this poem may be shared from either a sister to a brother or a brother to a sister. It works both ways. Cheers!

Sisters and Brothers

First 20 years, they're like cats and dogs,

But after that, they go for jogs.

They learn to communicate and understand,

Give each other, a helping hand.

A sister and brother, share a unique bond,

When they get angry, they may not respond.

But that is simply just a phase,

Older sibling has to help and raise.

They don't need to even talk,

Or a blackboard and some chalk.

Since they know what the other thinks,

Sisters and brothers share strong links.

By Martin Dejnicki

Hopefully that poem was light hearted and humorous. When siblings are young, they may have a difficult time getting along. But no matter how young they are, there always exists a mutual barter system, where favours are readily exchanged.

A Poem for My Sister

Here's a little poem that I wrote for my sis. She was so happy when I gave it to her. It was completely out of the blue and unexpected. She told me it was very sweet and a pleasant surprise. Feel free to give the same one to your sister, on a random ordinary day (during the week).


Remember the time, I got into trouble,

You help me up, out of the rubble.

I never had to go far for advice,

Talking with you, has always been nice.

Looked at others, tried to compare,

Quickly realized, you were more fair.

I just had to politely ask,

And you would help me with any task.

We always had each other's back,

Especially when, our days were black.

To a great sister, just want to say thanks,

Hope you enjoyed, my jokes and my pranks.

By Martin Dejnicki

If you are one of those siblings that always made your sister laugh, and maintained a close friendship, than that may be the ideal poem for your sister.

Poem for a Little Sister

I never had a little sister myself, but I did my best when writing about this type of relationship. Hope you like it.

My Little Sister

My little sister is kind and sweet,

She's also the loudest on the street.

Her personality is truly unique,

She's not afraid, to stand up and speak.

My little sister is kind and sweet,

Chocolate cake, for breakfast she'll eat.

Always happy with plenty of smiles,

Check her closet, for the latest styles.

My little sister is kind and sweet,

In my life, she's more than a treat.

With a precious soul and a heart of gold,

She keeps me warm, whenever I'm cold.

By Martin Dejnicki

The above verse turned out to be very cute. So it doesn't really matter whether your little sister is 6 years old or 80 years old, go share that poem with her.

Poem For Your Sister-In Law

Here's a short poem for your sister-in-law. Hope she likes it:)

Sweet Sister-In-Law

A wonderfully sweet sister-in-law,

Enjoys relaxing at a nice spa.

I'm must say, she's pretty cool,

Smart and clever, never a fool.

Our friendship, just beginning to grow,

Many things, we still need to know.

Sweet sister-in-law just want to add,

To my inner circle, I'm very glad.

By Martin Dejnicki

Technically, your sister-in-law could be the wife of one of your siblings, or your spouse's sister, or even the wife of your spouse's sibling. Confusing? Tell me about it. But based on that, it looks like I will have a new sister-in-law within a year.

A Poem for a Big Sister

The next verse is perfect if you have a special big sister in your life.

My Big Sister

As a big sister, you'd always inquire,

Cared for me, my actions inspire.

Your passion for life burns like a fire,

My love for you, shall never expire,

To be like you, I hope to aspire.

One day together, we shall retire,

You're my big sister, I'll always admire!

By Martin Dejnicki

The cool thing about the short big sister poem above is that you could rearrange the lines since all the lines rhyme with one another.

Wedding Poem for a Sister

The following is a wedding poem for a sister. Since it's more on the sentimental side it will probably be used more between two ladies. But if you're a guy, and you don't mind opening up and sharing how you feel, than you could certainly still share it with your sister (more power to you).

Beautiful Bride

The day has arrived, it is finally here,

Gorgeous earrings, will hang from each ear.

When we were kids, we'd role-play and dream,

I'm so excited, I'm ready to scream.

This is your day, beautiful bride,

Hope you know, my hearts' filled with pride.

I'm your sister, I'll be there for you,

I'll always love you, nothings more true.

I'm so happy, you have found the one,

Your wonderful life, has just begun.

Wishing you both, the very best,

With a sister like you, I have been blessed.

By Martin Dejnicki

After completing the above wedding poem, I realized, it is probably the most sentimental one in this section. I think it would be perfect for a maid of honor to share it with her sister on her wedding day.

A Very Funny Sister Poem

Let's move on to this very funny sister poem. The entire point behind this poem is to make your sister laugh. It doesn't matter whether your sister is 15 or 50, this poem is meant to make her giggle at the very least.

Sister Smart

My sister thinks, she's really smart,

She converted gossiping, into an art.

She thinks, she's the lone queen of fashion,

Expensive shoes, her deepest passion.

My sister thinks, she's really smart,

I've put up with her, right from the start.

She really knows, how to get her way,

Why do I, always have to pay?

My sister thinks, she's really smart,

I really love her, with all my heart.

Even though, she's sometimes a pain,

Perfect target, easy to blame.

By Martin Dejnicki

A Poem About Twin Sisters

Hope you enjoy reading and sharing the following poem about twin sisters and all the things they share.

Sister - Twin

As a twin sister, there's plenty to share,

Not just the eyes, but also the hair.

There is certainly, a very close bond,

We can talk, without a respond.

Even close friends, occasionally confuse,

As individuals, we share different views.

Don't worry you're not seeing double,

Together we even, get into trouble.

Having a sister, that is my twin.

On so many levels, we mutually win.

As twins, we know what we think,

At the cellular level, there must be a link.

By Martin Dejnicki

Having a twin sister or brother must be a very unique and liberating experience, simply because of the connection that shared.

Missing My Sister Poem

Here's a missing my sister poem, if you are missing your loving sister. You may miss her because she moved away somewhere, or went to work in a different city or country after her graduation. You may also miss her because you have both been so busy that you haven't had much time to spend together. Well, I truly hope that this poem helps you express how you feel.

Miss My Sister

You're my dearest and precious sis,

You won't believe, how much I miss.

When we're apart, the passing time,

For my heart, it's like a crime.

I miss the days, where we'd just walk,

Share thoughts and feelings, as we'd talk.

We'd joke around and eat desserts,

You're far way, it really hurts.

I miss everything about me and you,

At this moment, I feel so blue.

If only I time, I could simply freeze,

I'd spend it with you, with hugs and squeeze.

By Martin Dejnicki

Hope you enjoyed reading all of these various poems for sisters. If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful sister in your life, make sure you share a few with her. I'm sure she will love your thoughtful gestures.

PUBLISHED: Sep 29, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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