Poems For Teachers

Martin Dejnicki
Teachers play a big role in their student's lives. We need to thank them and show them our appreciation for their patience and dedication.
11 min read
Table of contents
A Poem about a Wonderful Teacher
Teacher's Day Poem
Thank You Poem for a Teacher
Teacher Appreciation Poem
Funny Teacher Poem
To My Favorite Teacher Poem
A Poem for a Teacher from all the Students
Teacher Retirement Poem
Birthday Poem for a Teacher

This section includes different types of rhyming poems for teachers. Teachers play a big role in their student's lives. We need to thank them and show them our appreciation for their patience and dedication.

The first verse below talks about some of the things that teachers do for their students.

It also mentions some of the unique characteristics that teachers possess.

For starters, the vast majority of teachers are very kind individuals.

They know how to connect with children, while leading them in the right direction.

The best teachers really understand how to engage their students.

They are able to capture their imaginations and inspire them to think and act in a positive way.


Teachers are dedicated,

to our education.

This is their passion,

and our liberation.

Their sincere kindness,

warm feelings, it brings.

They guide and protect us,

under their wings.

They show us patience,

and readily spread.

Their helpful advice,

fills us like bread.

They don't just instruct,

but encourage and believe,

That there's nothing out there,

we cannot achieve.

They think about,

our future all the time.

Work tirelessly to direct us,

away from conflicts and crime.

At the end of the day,

teachers do understand.

It takes both tools and love,

For our young minds to expand.

By Martin Dejnicki

A Poem about a Wonderful Teacher

Now let's take a look at this specific poem about a wonderful teacher. If you have teacher at school that you feel is absolutely wonderful, then you should definitely share this poem with her/him.

Wonderful Teacher

You've been a teacher,

that I truly admire.

In so many ways,

you constantly inspire.

Taught me the importance,

of a life filled with books.

And never to judge one,

by its cover or looks.

I've learned to apply,

the knowledge I read.

The lessons you taught me,

shall help me succeed.

You've always been,

thoughtful and nice.

Willing to help,

through your personal advice.

With certain questions,

you taught me to adapt and adjust.

In my abilities,

you continuously show trust.

You're a wonderful teacher,

and you really stand out.

You're my very favorite,

without any doubt.

By Martin Dejnicki

Base on that last verse, you should probably share this poem with your favorite teacher. Unless of course, you take out the last stanza and share the poem with all your teachers. But that's simply up to you.

But if you choose to share it with just one, make sure you do it in a way that the other teachers don't see. You wouldn't want them to get jealous, because adults can get just as jealous as kids, or even more so sometimes.

Teacher's Day Poem

The next one is a Teacher's Day poem that you may share with your teachers. This celebration varies from country to country. However, in the United States it takes place during the first week of May at the same time as teacher appreciation week. But World Teacher's Day falls on October 5th, which is internationally recognized.

Happy Teacher's Day

Today is your day,

and we'd like to thank.

We won't misbehave,

nor pull a new prank.

We're extremely grateful,

for all the things that you do.

We appreciate and acknowledge,

as we look through your view.

Sometimes we don't listen,

while you repeatedly explain.

We're sorry for our insincerity,

and for causing you pain.

You've shown us the importance,

with effort to strive.

For knowledge and success,

and not just survive.

We would like to add,

from our hearts we really care.

You mean a lot to us,

you're beautifully rare.

Happy Teacher's Day,

to a special teacher like you.

With your wisdom you guide us,

to a life that is humble and true.

By Martin Dejnicki

Any child may share the above poem with his or her teachers on teacher's day. It's meant to let their teachers know that they remembered this day and they appreciate everything that teachers do for them.

Thank You Poem for a Teacher

This thank you teacher poem is straight from the heart. Kids of various ages will be able to share it with their teachers and thank them for everything that they do.

Thank You

Thank you for being,

my teacher and friend.

A really big hug,

I wish to extend.

Teaching is your talent,

you know how to explain.

You do so much,

yet don't expect fame.

Thank you for all those,

stories and tales.

Capturing my interest,

this never fails.

You provide me with info,

about science and health.

Help unlock my curiosity,

which the key to my wealth.

Thank you for being approachable,

and so easy to chat.

You deserve an award,

a bonus and pat.

By Martin Dejnicki

It's important to let our teacher know that we are thankful. I don't think we need to wait until the end of the school year to do so. We should do it all the time. It's an effective way to inspire them, in my opinion.

We should also thank all our teachers, because they all work very hard to educate us or our children. I don't think we should just focus on the teacher of the year candidates. Every teacher would appreciate receiving a simple thank you. Whether your thank you is verbal or written, that's up to you.

Teacher Appreciation Poem

The next one is a random teacher appreciation poem. It's intended to be used as a surprise poem that you may wish to share with your teacher on a random school day. I think this would be a nice gesture, especially since teachers are often quite stressed, overwhelmed and even frustrated occasionally.

Random Day

Today seems normal,

like any random day.

On this white piece of paper,

a few thoughts I shall say.

Allow me to express,

my sincerest appreciation.

You play a big role,

in my evolving education.

Teachers like you,

are far and few in between.

Your positive outlook,

is like pastures of green.

You always encourage me,

and go way beyond.

For all your dedication,

I thankfully respond.

I know today is another,

normal and random day.

But my gratitude and appreciation,

I just wanted to convey.

By Martin Dejnicki

That poem was a bit shorter (only 5 verses) than the other ones. It's meant to be a short and sweet poem that anyone may quickly share with one of their teachers.

Share it with your english teacher, or music teacher, or any teacher that you wish.

Funny Teacher Poem

Let's take a look at this funny teacher poem. If you would like to make one of your teachers laugh, then I recommend this poem. Just make sure you share it with a teacher that has a very good sense of humor.

Teacher vs. Student

The battle began,

in the very first class.

The teacher's advantage,

knowledge of mass.

The student was young,

ambitious and quick.

Challenged the teacher,

to sports with a stick.

Hockey and baseball,

victory was clear.

First point for the student,

they started to cheer.

The teacher fought back,

with knowledge from books.

One point in science,

through the student's blank looks.

The battle commenced,

in the valley of art.

Which masterpiece,

would just stand apart?

At the end of the day,

both were below swell.

The audience left,

as they heard the school bell.

By Martin Dejnicki

That poem talked about a friendly competition between a student and a teacher. I remember when I was much younger, I would occasionally try to compete with some of my teachers. Sometimes in the gym and sometimes when naming capital cities of the world.

To My Favorite Teacher Poem

The next poem is meant to be shared with a child's favorite teacher. I think I all kids have their favorite teachers. It's usually the ones that they are able to connect with best.

My Favorite Teacher

You're my favorite teacher,

this is obvious and clear.

When I'm in your class,

I open my ear.

You encourage me,

to learn and create.

Your teaching style,

is a wonderful trait.

I'm really glad,

that we do get along.

You don't criticize me,

when I get things wrong.

You're one of those teachers,

always helpful and warm.

Inside the classroom,

you can calm any storm.

You're my favorite teacher,

this is obvious and clear.

I hope and I pray,

you'll be my teacher next year.

By Martin Dejnicki

A lot of kids really get attached to their favorite teachers. This is often seen from preschool all the way up to college and university. Bonds between students and their teachers are equivalent to other friendships. I'm still friends with some of my high school and university instructors.

A Poem for a Teacher from all the Students

This next poem may be given to a teacher on behalf of all the students in her or his class. It's a nice way of reminding a teacher how much she/he means to the students.

Your Crowd

You teach us each day,

as we focus and learn.

The grades that we strive for,

we surely do earn.

You have a unique way,

of explaining those things.

It almost seems like,

your words have wings.

As your students,

we are exceptionally proud.

For having you as our teacher,

and for being your crowd.

By Martin Dejnicki

It's really nice to see when a group of students really connect with their teacher. When this happens, students are usually much more motivated to learn and enjoy attending class.

That's the type of atmosphere that was created in one of my history classes in University. Our professor was extremely effective at engaging his students that his classes would fill up quickly and ended up receiving several awards in the process.

In the end, this teacher was a great story teller, which captivated his student's imaginations.

Teacher Retirement Poem

This teacher retirement poem should become quite popular because a lot of teachers will be retiring within the next 20 years. I'm referring to the baby boomer generation of teachers. Have fun sharing it with your teacher.

Your Climb

You've been an excellent teacher,

that's obvious and clear.

Let's take a quick look,

at your educational career.

You've taught countless students,

with passion and zest.

Achieved so much,

and passed every test.

Many students that would,

pass through your door.

Were inspired by you,

to achieve and explore.

Your teaching style,

was one of a kind.

You nurtured and challenged,

each students mind.

We would like to thank you,

for your service and dedication.

You'll continue to be,

a true inspiration.

We hope you enjoy your retirement,

and extra free time.

As you're looking from the top,

think of your climb.

By Martin Dejnicki

Most teachers retire after at least 30 years of educating our youth, some even get close to forty. They must feel a huge sense of pride. Throughout their careers, countless kids walked through their doors.

As a result, each teacher played her or his part in shaping the minds of their students. They influenced and inspired children to pursue their passions. Being able to do that must be truly gratifying.

I hope you get a chance to express your gratitude to your teacher that's about to retire, with the above retirement poem.

Birthday Poem for a Teacher

Let's finish this section up with a birthday poem for a teacher. It's a good idea to know when your teachers have their birthdays. You'll need that information in order to share the following surprise birthday poem with them.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday,

my teacher and friend.

A birthday wish,

I'd like to extend.

May this year's birthday,

be filled with happiness and cheer.

You're a wonderful teacher,

this is obviously clear.

Happy birthday,

my teacher and friend.

On your knowledge and wisdom,

I routinely depend.

You're a beautiful human being,

which I truly admire.

Your words and actions,

routinely inspire.

Happy birthday,

my teacher and friend.

These words of appreciation,

from my heart, I do send.

By Martin Dejnicki

I'm very sure that your teacher will gratefully accept the above birthday poem. It's a simple rhyming poem that will touch her or his heart. It will also make your teacher feel appreciated and warm inside.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading all of these poems for teachers in this section. Just don't forget to share them with all those wonderful teachers in your life.

PUBLISHED: Sep 29, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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