The Most Romantic Poem

Martin Dejnicki
Today, I will attempt to write the most romantic poem that I’ve ever written. I’ve written hundreds of romantic poems in the past, so this won’t be easy. The most romantic ones from the past, were completely random. There’s no switch that I may turn on and increase the romance factor in my poetry. I just go with the flow and hope for the best. I just hope this romantic poem doesn’t disappoint you. If you like it, then share it with the love of your life.
3 min read

Day Dream

From a short distance,

I look upon your beautiful face.

You notice and smile,

with the most humblest grace.

Your unique walk,

seduces me and openly invites.

As my heart pounds faster,

it opens the door to much greater heights.

I fall into an immediate day dream,

you take my hand, into the land of bliss.

The emotions I feel,

like an eternal soft kiss.

Our bodies and minds,

embrace into one.

Sublime moments of pure love,

have only begun.

With every touch,

and whisper so sweet.

We no longer require,

the sun for our heat.

As I open my eyes,

you’re now next to me.

You know what I’m thinking,

we both smile and agree.

by Martin Dejnicki

Today is a fairly chilly November morning, so I definitely had to use my full imagination for this poem. The weather and my state of fatigue did not help.

Personally, I believe it’s important to share romantic poetry or notes with your partner, year round. These are simple little ways of keeping the fire going during the year. Especially, since we’re all guilty of falling into our daily routines, and often forgetting about the importance of romance and intimacy in our relationships.

I also think that only the recipient may determine whether it’s the most romantic poem they’ve ever received or read. So the trick is to share many romantic poems over time with your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend, and let them choose the ones they like best.

From my experiences, the most romantic poems are the ones that are shared from the heart, and have a verse or two that are personalized and truly unique. This may be something that only the person receiving the poem would understand.

Best of luck sharing the featured romantic poem with that truly special person in your life. May your love for each other, not only last, but prosper and grow over time.



PUBLISHED: Oct 10, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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