Time's Tender Tapestry: A Collection of Poems

Martin Dejnicki
Time is an ever-present force in our lives, shaping our experiences and memories. These poems explore the essence of time and its profound impact on our existence.
4 min read
Table of contents
Whispers of the Clock
The Eternal River
Threads of Moments
Clockwork Heart
Hourglass Hues
Seconds' Serenade
Shadows of Sundials
The Chronos Waltz
Gone in a Glance
When Time Stands Still

Whispers of the Clock

Time whispers softly in the rush of day,

It swirls around us, a constant ballet.

With each tick, a moment slips away,

Minutes and memories, in its display.

Its hands move silent, without a trace,

Crafting the future, a steady pace.

Yet we chase hours in an endless race,

Forgetting the value of its gentle grace.

In its embrace we find our dance,

A chance to love, a chance to glance.

Time gifts moments, not by chance,

But for us to seize and advance.


The Eternal River

The river of time flows without end,

A force unseen, around each bend.

It carves through stone, it shapes the land,

A silent sculptor with a gentle hand.

Through the valley of life, it cuts a path,

Its waters carrying tales of wrath,

Of joy and sorrow in equal math,

A history written in its aftermath.

To its rhythm, all must heed,

Every creature, every seed.

In its current, our lives proceed,

Carried forth by time’s decree.


Threads of Moments

Each second spins a silken thread,

Into life's tapestry, seamlessly wed.

Interwoven in the loom of fate,

Past, present, and future create.

Time holds strings of laughter and tears,

Weaving the fabric of our years.

From infant cries to golden cheers,

Captured within this quilt of peers.

As time's needle dances and sways,

The pattern of our days it lays.

Each stitch a memory brightly stays,

In the heart's eternal maze.


Clockwork Heart

In every beat, the heart keeps time,

A rhythmic pulse, a life's chime.

With every throb, the clockwork heart,

Counts the moments we're apart.

It ticks in tune with fleeting breath,

Through joyous life and facing death.

A metronome for love’s great art,

Marking beats from the start.

And in its cadence, true and clear,

Resounds the music far and near,

The symphony of years to cheer,

As time’s ballet draws us near.


Hourglass Hues

In the hourglass of our fleeting days,

Grains of moments in vibrant displays,

Slipping through narrows of present, always,

Past and future in a hazed gaze.

Each grain a hue of joy or pain,

A memory lost, a lesson gained.

Time's colors in every grain,

Pouring life like summer's rain.

As sands fall, they whisper truth,

Of wasted youth or cherished youth.

In each small grain - life's uncouth,

In time's glass - the art unclothe.


Seconds' Serenade

Seconds dance in hushed glee,

Serenading life’s decree,

In whispers low, they beckon thee,

To cherish time’s brief spree.

With each beat, a note unfurled,

In the grand symphony of the world,

Life’s melodies are twirled,

In the tempo of seconds swirled.

So pause and hear the gentle tune,

Of time's short afternoon,

Underneath the silver moon,

Seconds’ serenade will swoon.


Shadows of Sundials

Shadows stretch at sunlight’s call,

On ancient dials, the hours crawl.

Time’s old way, not lost, but found,

In every shadow on the ground.

As Earth revolves in silent might,

Shadows whisper of day and night,

Their quiet moves, a sight so rare,

Mark the time with solar flare.

Life’s tempo in these dark lines lies,

A dance of cosmos in disguise,

As shadows move 'neath azure skies,

Time's tale in sundial guise.


The Chronos Waltz

Hand in hand with ticking grace,

Time leads us in a lively chase,

Its steps so quick, they leave no trace,

As we waltz through life’s shared space.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow,

The chronos waltz, a timeless show,

In it, life's highs and lows,

And every moment time bestows.

We twirl with years, and then we bow,

Each ending mere respite, somehow,

In time’s dance, we make our vow,

To live the moment we're allowed.


Gone in a Glance

One blink, and time has flown,

A series of moments, all outgrown,

Gone the days that shone,

In the blink of life, time’s loan.

A child’s laugh, a lover’s glance,

In time, both lose their chance,

Memories that enhance,

Life’s fleeting, fickle dance.

Every tick, each tock's advance,

Pushes forward the infinite expanse,

Our stories thrive on happenstance,

With every blink, time’s forward prance.


When Time Stands Still

Sometimes time pauses, takes a breath,

In moments of joy, or facing death,

When all the world holds its will,

And in our hearts, time stands still.

In the gaze of a newborn’s eyes,

Or the beauty of sunsets' skies,

There lies a hush, a tranquil thrill,

When life itself feels the chill.

Time’s hiatus, a precious gift,

Where souls and spirits gently lift,

In this pause, our lives fulfill,

The love that makes time stand still.


PUBLISHED: Sep 20, 2024
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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