Sad Poems About Love

Clara Hudson
Here are my sad poems about love. Tell me what you think :)
6 min read
Table of contents
Vanishing Ink
Silent Symphony
Winter’s End
Deserted Dreams
Echoes in the Dark
Fading Star
Tidal Waves
Fading Echo

Vanishing Ink

Our love was written, but the ink has faded,

Once vivid lines, now dull and jaded.

We were the prose, we were the song,

A love story that didn't last long.

The pages tear, the ink starts to blur,

Just like the love that we were.

Vanishing lines, missing words,

A silent echo, no longer heard.

Once a novel, now a short tale,

A sinking ship that's doomed to fail.

The ink may vanish, but the pages remain,

Stained with the remnants of emotional rain.

In every empty line, a void I find,

A missing word that haunts my mind.

Vanishing ink, our love’s epitaph,

Fading slowly in each paragraph.

What remains is just an empty book,

A tale of love that you forsook.

The ink has vanished, but the loss is real,

A blank page can't express the way I feel.

 Silent Symphony

We were a melody, a harmonious blend,

A love song that seemed to have no end.

But the music stopped, the chords were cut,

Silent notes that can’t rebut.

Silent symphony, our love's mute,

Stripped of voice, our song's a flute.

We were crescendo, now a decrescendo fall,

A silent symphony, no longer enthralled.

I hear it still, in quiet despair,

The sound of silence in the air.

Muted love, that no longer sings,

A silent symphony, devoid of strings.

Each rest in the score, a piece of me,

Empty measures of what used to be.

Our love's a song that's ceased to play,

A silent symphony that's gone away.

The finale's here, no curtain call,

Our silent symphony says it all.

In every pause, I hear your name,

A silent melody, never the same.

Winter’s End

Our love was a winter, cold but fair,

Frozen landscapes, yet we didn’t care.

But the season’s changed, the cold’s worn thin,

Winter’s end is where regrets begin.

Snowflakes melted, like your promises,

Vanishing as spring dismisses.

Winter's end, where love’s frostbite,

Turns into lonely, sleepless nights.

The final snowfall, the closing scene,

The end of what our love has been.

Winter's end, where icicles break,

Just like my heart, in love’s mistake.

Each snowflake was a hope, each frost a kiss,

Now all that’s left is an icy abyss.

Winter's end, our love's demise,

Melting away under awakening skies.

The last snow melts, the season's done,

Our love's winter has come undone.

Winter's end, where we both lose,

A love that's faded, like spring's first hues.

Deserted Dreams

We were a desert, arid and grand,

A love as endless as the sand.

But droughts have come, and the cacti wilt,

Our love’s foundation's crumbling silt.

Mirages of happiness in the heat,

Visions of a love that can't be beat.

But just illusions, fading fast,

Deserted dreams, not meant to last.

The sun sets, on this barren place,

Our love's a wasteland, devoid of grace.

Deserted dreams, where hope deceives,

In every gust that the dry wind heaves.

Our love's a desert, that's lost its way,

A barren landscape, where nothing can stay.

Deserted dreams, in an endless dune,

A love that vanished, all too soon.

No oasis to quench our thirst,

Our love's a desert, where dreams are cursed.

Each grain of sand, a failed chance,

In this deserted dream of a failed romance.

Echoes in the Dark

We were the light, we were the spark,

Two kindred souls in love's landmark.

But now we’re just echoes in the dark,

Love’s lingering traces, missing their mark.

Each whisper was a promise, every touch a claim,

But all that’s left are echoes, a whisper of your name.

Our love’s a distant murmur, hard to understand,

Echoes in the dark, where we used to stand.

Silence envelops us, where laughter used to be,

Our love's an empty chamber, an abyss that swallows me.

Echoes in the dark, a haunting, hollow sound,

A love that's lost its voice, where meaning can't be found.

In this dark abyss, your absence is a scar,

Our love's an echo, that's felt no matter how far.

It’s all that’s left, this resonating ache,

Echoes in the dark, too loud to forsake.

We’re just a memory, fading into night,

Echoes in the dark, losing their light.

Our love’s a hollow echo, that in silence weeps,

A mournful reminder, in the dark that creeps.

Fading Star

We were a constellation, shining bright,

Two stars aligned in the canvas of night.

But one star's fading, dimming its glow,

A love story ending, this much I know.

In the celestial dance, we’ve lost our way,

A fading star, at the end of its day.

Our love's a supernova, that's burnt out,

A fading star, there's no doubt.

The night is dark, without your light,

A sky of emptiness, an endless night.

A fading star, our love's demise,

A twinkling memory, in night’s dark skies.

Orbiting apart, we've lost our place,

A fading star, in the cosmic race.

Our love's an eclipse that's hard to see,

A fading star, what else could it be?

One last flicker, as we say goodbye,

A fading star, in the night sky.

Our love's extinguished, its light now gone,

A fading star, till the break of dawn.

Tidal Waves

Our love was an ocean, vast and wide,

A depth of emotion, we couldn't hide.

But tides have turned, waves now crest,

In this ocean of love, we failed the test.

Tidal waves, crashing on love's shore,

The ocean's fury, we can’t ignore.

Our love’s a tempest, that’s hard to steer,

Tidal waves, making it all unclear.

The sea's a mirror, of our love's state,

Tumultuous waters, that couldn't abate.

Tidal waves, where love used to float,

Sinking desires, that can't stay afloat.

Our love's an ocean, that's lost its calm,

Tidal waves, doing lasting harm.

In this watery maze, we're both lost,

Tidal waves, a love's ultimate cost.

The tide's receding, taking us too,

An ocean of love, that's lost its blue.

Tidal waves, our love's final sweep,

A love that's drowned, in an ocean deep.

Fading Echo

We were a poem, rhymes so sweet,

A tale of love, that was complete.

But the last verse, has been erased,

A fading echo, that's been misplaced.

Each stanza's a memory, each line a tear,

A fading echo, of love that was clear.

Our poem's unfinished, a sorrowful end,

A fading echo, that I can't mend.

What once was inked, is now a blot,

A fading echo, of love that's forgot.

Our poem's dissonance, in every rhyme,

A fading echo, lost in time.

In the margins, your absence shows,

A fading echo, where silence grows.

Each erased word, a piece of us,

A fading echo, in love's quiet hush.

The paper's torn, the ink's run dry,

A fading echo, a final goodbye.

Our love's a poem, that couldn't sustain,

A fading echo, that's left a stain.

PUBLISHED: Aug 28, 2023
Written By
Clara Hudson
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