Inspirational Quotes

Martin Dejnicki
5 min read
The easiest thing in life is spending thousands of long hours doing something you love.

It is totally up to you how you choose to deal with the waves of life. Like most people, you may watch them from afar and occasionally wet your feet, or you may choose to ride each one to the fullest.

Net worth is a glorified metric in modern society which essentially measures one's cleverness within the global monetary system. But at the end of the day, it's only your share-worth which truly counts and could only be measured by acts of kindness.

Amount of success depends on amount of passionate effort.

Success lives just past the horizon of hardship.

If you cease your morning, you will cease your day.

Our culture has programmed us to ascend at all times, even without meaningful purpose. We should stop and question the value of each stair to our lives and those we love.

Think first and your actions will be amplified.

Life should be like homemade cake. Sweet and fresh.

The utility of knowledge diminishes significantly when it is not shared.

You must first vividly dream of it.

Beauty sings within.

Simplify & rebuild.

Rejoice in the journey.

Fill your life with play.

Cherish the unique magic in each day.

Soak in the moment.

Amazing results are often rooted in the most humblest beginnings.

Believe and create endless potential.

The smallest acts of kindness add up.

If you clear your mind first, ideas will begin to flow.

Simplicity works.

Seek adventure.

Explore beyond your comfort zone.

Embrace the nature in you.

Find your flow and go with it.

Disputes often stem from different points of view.

Allow freedom to shine right through you.

There's nothing pretty about the art of success.

With enough patience, your turn to shine will follow.

Some fights are simply unavoidable.

Nothing builds better character than a tough defeat.

Think of this picture next time you begin complaining about something trivial.

Truth is always near.

Searching for truth often takes courage. But once you find it, it will act as your shelter.

Find the beauty in the path less travelled.

At the end of each day, make sure you are honest to yourself.

Find the pleasure in contemplation and solitude.

Embrace the beauty of remote work.

Relive those moments.

Take time to reflect.

Allow music to transform you.

Inspiration is often very close to home.

Smaller obstacles should never prevent you from reaching your ultimate goals.

Seek perfection one small detail at a time.

Ascending to the top is impossible without many branches of support from those who believe in you.

Do not allow your droughts to define you. But rather how you persevere through them.

Shape your unique destiny.

Making a temporary impact is better than no impact at all.

Focus on putting your dreams into motion.

Without action, all ideas are the same. They're useless.

Find inspiration in what is not known.

Why compete, when you can innovate?

One sees struggle, another sees beauty.

Isolate the best idea by trying over and over again.

Life is about enjoying the ride.

Preparing for a rainy day is as timeless as rain itself.

We all wish to be remembered.

To stand out, you must love what you do. As a result you will naturally go above and beyond to continuously extend your mastery.

Never take life to seriously.

Don't wait for others to bloom.

Time flows in the same direction for us all. But just make sure your flow is uniquely yours.

Life is like a river, sometimes it's calm, other times it's rough. But most importantly, it's how you see it which truly counts.

If life is like a tree, how many leaves (experiences) would you have?

Stories are the beauty of life.

Feel free to master the art of the photobomb.

Find that one spot where your ideas may roam freely.

Walk with joy.

Do not fear what you do not know.

Nothing is as peaceful as mutual joy.

Let's fight poverty one lonely heart at a time.

Celebrations are not to be missed.

Collaborate with like-minded.

Dance through life like it's nobody's business.


Celebrate the education of both success and failure.

Find the courage to take the first step.

Release the kid inside you.

Seek opportunities which align with your values.

When the going gets tough, stop and smell the flowers.

Be true to yourself by giving it your all.

Connect with your dad, by going for a simple walk.

Come out of your shell.

Play is universal.

Tell your story.

Set no limits.

With a clear purpose navigate through the fog.

Start each day off with a splash.

Have faith in your point of view.

Document your journey.

Just Write.


Innovate by bridging your experiences.

Study your surroundings.

Adapt and thrive.

Allow your passion to blend in with the vision.

There's always hope.

Believe in the underdog.

Ditch the alarm clock.

Do not depend on random or blind luck. Create your own instead.
PUBLISHED: Oct 11, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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