Sister Quotes

Martin Dejnicki
Have fun sharing the following sister quotes with your beautiful sister.
4 min read
Table of contents
Funny Sister Quotes
Sister to Sister Quotes
Sister Quotes from Brothers
I Love My Sister Quotes
Birthday Quotes for a Sister
Death of a Sister Quotes

Sharing both laughs and cries is what sisters do.

Sisters are not only kind, thoughtful and fun, but they also make high quality best friends who last a lifetime.

My sister is always the first one to offer a helping hand.

Sisters should be right next to considerate in the dictionary.

A sister’s love is often measured in long late night talks, coupled with plenty of great advice.

When all fails just call your sister.

When I was a child, my sister always looked out for me. Now, all grown up, she still tries.

Funny Sister Quotes

Here’s a few that are intended to make us laugh. 

Sisters do not use violence but rather creative strategies to gain an advantage in the game of attention.

Sister, sister, don’t get in my way. With every new favor, be ready to pay.

Sisters are like cats. Faithful allies one second and worst enemies the next.

My sister is pretty, cool and kind. When it comes to her feelings, I’m occasionally blind.

The high pitch yell was invented by a sister.

Sister to Sister Quotes

The next few quotes talk about the special bond that sisters share in life.

The trust established between sisters securely holds their most private secrets.

It was a crisp mid-December evening, when I noticed two sisters sitting next to me on the bus. I was convinced they were sisters not because they looked alike, but rather because they no longer required words to communicate.

Sisters share shoes, views, dresses, tears, grins, dreams, toothpaste, laughs and concern. And that’s just before breakfast.

The very first wardrobe exchange system in human history was patented by the first sisters.

There are certain things that only sisters understand.

Sister Quotes from Brothers

Sisters and brothers share quite a unique bond. The following quotes are meant to showcase that.

Sisters fight with their brothers like cats and dogs. But only for the first 18 years.

I always thought I was much stronger than my sister. Until I realized, she’s juggling work, school and three young kids.

At first sight, one may think that a sister and brother is all a matter of chance. Well I have some great news – it’s true.

There are two things I could always expect from my sister – laughter and kind ears.

My sister did not require a degree in drama to master the art. From the day she was born, she’s been a natural.

I Love My Sister Quotes

It’s hard to explain the love that we share. My precious sister, with my soul I do care.

I love my sister and would never want her to change.

When I was younger, it was expected of me to love my sister. Now I do it freely and unconditionally.

My sister’s love I cherish and need, boundlessly humble, my soul meant to feed.

I love her for the beautiful person that she is. Only the best things in life I wish for her.

Birthday Quotes for a Sister

Happy birthday my sister so dear, where is your cake, I’m hoping it’s near.

My sister is old, just look at her age. She’s turning a book, not just a page.

My sister’s birthday I can’t seem to ignore. Did I hear a bear or is that just her snore?

On my sister’s birthday I gave her the gift of enthusiasm wrapped in a smile.

If you love your sister, than make her birthday a very big deal.

Death of a Sister Quotes

I can’t imagine the pain and sorrow one must feel when their sister passes away. The following quotes are my best guesses.

I lost a big part of my childhood when my sister passed away.

My heart broke when my dear sister died. I peered inside and noticed she rests peacefully in the middle.

When my sister passed away, I lost an entire community in my heart. I lost my friend, my comedian, my wisdom and my helper. I lost my sister.

Silence. So Painful. Now that she’s gone.

I finally and truly realized how much I loved her, the moment I lost my sister.

Thank you for taking the time to read some of my sister quotes. Share them with your wonderful sister if you’d like.

PUBLISHED: Oct 10, 2023
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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