Song Lyrics about Slavery and Freedom

Elijah Mitchell
Slavery attempts to reduce a person into ownership, but the indomitable spirit of the oppressed always yearns for the light of freedom, shattering the chains of bondage with the power of hope.
9 min read
Table of contents
Chains to Wings
Shackles Shattered
Chains Unbound
Cry of the Brave
Boundless Skies
Break These Chains
Tears of the Enslaved
Unforgotten Chains

Chains to Wings

Verse 1

In a land where chains did clatter,  

Silent cries, every night did matter.  

Clasped in irons, souls did shatter,  

Longing for freedom, hearts would flatter.


From chains to wings, we soar,  

Above the scars of yore.  

Unlocking freedom's door,  

Injustice bounds no more.

Verse 2

Under stars, whispers did gather,  

Dreams of freedom, fear to rather.  

But hope's spark, the chains did batter,  

Silent revolt, the masters did scatter.


From chains to wings, we soar,  

Above the scars of yore.  

Unlocking freedom's door,  

Injustice bounds no more.


Emerging from shadows, united we stand,  

Breaking free, reclaiming the land.  

Our voices rise, a melody grand,  

Defeating darkness, with hope’s strong hand.

Verse 3

A new dawn, the skies do flatter,  

Legacy of strength, not a chain to clatter.  

Soaring high, freedom's the matter,  

With wings of hope, old fears do scatter.


From chains to wings, we soar,  

Above the scars of yore.  

Unlocking freedom's door,  

Injustice bounds no more.


Now with wings, the sky we explore,  

Freedom rings, on every shore.  

With love as our core,  

Chains shall bind no more.

Shackles Shattered

Verse 1

Bound in shackles, hearts in cages,  

Through the cold nights, endless ages.  

Whispers of freedom, igniting rages,  

Breaking free from invisible gauges.


Shackles shattered, our spirits rise,  

Beyond the bars, freedom lies.  

Resounding shouts, in the skies,  

Heralding dawn, as oppression dies.

Verse 2

Struggle echoed through the nights,  

Silent battle, quiet fights.  

The hope for freedom, igniting lights,  

Breaking the silence, reaching new heights.


Shackles shattered, our spirits rise,  

Beyond the bars, freedom lies.  

Resounding shouts, in the skies,  

Heralding dawn, as oppression dies.


The road was long, burdened with fears,  

But we marched on, through the tears.  

Drawing strength from those harsh years,  

Freedom’s call, loud in our ears.

Verse 3

Now we rise, from the chains we soar,  

Uncovering wounds, hidden at the core.  

Witnessing freedom, like never before,  

Cherishing the liberty, we deeply implore.


Shackles shattered, our spirits rise,  

Beyond the bars, freedom lies.  

Resounding shouts, in the skies,  

Heralding dawn, as oppression dies.


Now we sing, of the freedom gained,  

Victory's sweet song, on hearts ingrained.  

No longer shackled, no longer pained,  

In the heart of freedom, we’re now sustained.

Chains Unbound

Verse 1

In darkened fields, our toils are sown,  

The heavy chains, through flesh and bone.  

Yet every strike, a hope has grown,  

Freedom’s seeds, in darkness sown.


Chains unbound, our spirits soar,  

Breaking free, oppressed no more.  

Through each trial, our hearts implore,  

A chance to live, to heal, restore.

Verse 2

Amid the whip's cold, heartless snare,  

Brewed the storm of deep despair.  

Yet beneath the ache, fresh air,  

A longing for freedom, fair and square.


Chains unbound, our spirits soar,  

Breaking free, oppressed no more.  

Through each trial, our hearts implore,  

A chance to live, to heal, restore.


Together we rise, from ashes we claim,  

A life unchained, igniting the flame.  

Unshackled hearts, can never be tame,  

For freedom’s breath, calls out our name.

Verse 3

In freedom’s dawn, we find our way,  

Emerging from the dark, into day.  

Now unchained souls have their say,  

In liberty’s light, we’ll sway.


Chains unbound, our spirits soar,  

Breaking free, oppressed no more.  

Through each trial, our hearts implore,  

A chance to live, to heal, restore.


The chains now broken, fall to the ground,  

The sound of freedom, a sweet, profound,  

Melody that forever resounds,  

In hearts unchained, hope is found.

Cry of the Brave

Verse 1

In shadows deep, where souls were sold,  

The tale of pain and shackles, told.  

Yet in every heart, a courage bold,  

Yearning for freedom, a desire untold.


Cry of the brave, piercing the sky,  

Breaking the chains, with heads held high.  

A quest for freedom, a solemn cry,  

Rising above, where hopes never die.

Verse 2

The days were long, under a ruthless reign,  

Fears whispered through the endless pain.  

Yet the dream of freedom, could not be slain,  

Through shackles and tears, it did remain.


Cry of the brave, piercing the sky,  

Breaking the chains, with heads held high.  

A quest for freedom, a solemn cry,  

Rising above, where hopes never die.


Bound yet unbroken, in spirit we stand,  

Breaking free from the oppressor's hand.  

Shattering silence, across the land,  

The cry of the brave, a resounding reprimand.

Verse 3

As dawn breaks, a new day is born,  

The shackles shattered, no longer torn.  

Reclaiming freedom, from tyranny shorn,  

We stand united, reborn in the morn.


Cry of the brave, piercing the sky,  

Breaking the chains, with heads held high.  

A quest for freedom, a solemn cry,  

Rising above, where hopes never die.


In the echo of bravery, our voices unite,  

Overcoming the darkness, stepping into light.  

Forever united, in freedom’s bright sight,  

The cry of the brave, our undying flight.

Boundless Skies

Verse 1

Amidst the fields of sorrow, they toil,  

In chains, yet dreams of freedom boil.  

Their spirits unbroken, they won't recoil,  

In the face of oppression, their hope's royal.


Boundless skies, waiting for the dawn,  

The day when chains are forever gone.  

Soaring on wings of freedom drawn,  

Under boundless skies, hope is reborn.

Verse 2

Silent whispers of revolt ignite the night,  

A flame of liberation, burning bright.  

Against chains of despair, they stand and fight,  

In the sacred quest for freedom’s light.


Boundless skies, waiting for the dawn,  

The day when chains are forever gone.  

Soaring on wings of freedom drawn,  

Under boundless skies, hope is reborn.


With hearts of courage, they bear the scars,  

Yet envision a world without bars.  

Their struggle resounds near and far,  

A battle hymn for the stars.

Verse 3

A fearless resolve propels them on,  

Through the brutal night, towards the sun.  

The chains may bind, but spirits run,  

Towards the boundless skies where freedom's won.


Boundless skies, waiting for the dawn,  

The day when chains are forever gone.  

Soaring on wings of freedom drawn,  

Under boundless skies, hope is reborn.


In the free horizon, their legacy lives,  

A tale of bravery, the world gives.  

Under boundless skies, the spirit forgives,  

For freedom's call eternally lives.

Break These Chains

Verse 1

Ancient whispers carry tales,  

Of weary hearts, setting sails.  

Breaking free from life's gaols,  

A desperate wind in their veils.


Break these chains, let my heart soar,  

Seeking the shores of evermore.  

A path to freedom, folklore,  

A life we're earnestly implore.

Verse 2

Dark waters mirror the night,  

Chained souls longing for light.  

Fighting through shadows, gripping tight,  

Towards liberty, they ignite.


Break these chains, let my heart soar,  

Seeking the shores of evermore.  

A path to freedom, folklore,  

A life we're earnestly implore.


Together we rise, parting the guise,  

In every fall, a stronger rise.  

Breaking the chains, the spirit defies,  

The call for justice never denies.

Verse 3

Glimpses of liberty in each sunrise,  

A promise to erase all despise.  

No shackles can claim, no compromise,  

Freedom's the prize for the wise.


Break these chains, let my heart soar,  

Seeking the shores of evermore.  

A path to freedom, folklore,  

A life we're earnestly implore.


Freedom’s hymn, a resounding roar,  

Breaking chains, legends bore.  

Together we soar, to the core,  

Living the dream of lore.

Tears of the Enslaved

Verse 1

Haunted grounds, a brutal reign,  

Silent cries, endless pain.  

Chains binding, a grim disdain,  

Slave souls yearning to break the chain.


Tears of the enslaved, tell a tale,  

Of a ruthless storm, a deadly gale.  

Yearning for a life beyond the pale,  

A fervent hope that they'd prevail.

Verse 2

Whips cracking on broken backs,  

Yet, a dream of freedom never lacks.  

Despite the master's cruel attacks,  

Their resilient spirit never slacks.


Tears of the enslaved, tell a tale,  

Of a ruthless storm, a deadly gale.  

Yearning for a life beyond the pale,  

A fervent hope that they'd prevail.


One day the chains will fall apart,  

Justice will beat in every heart.  

Tales of freedom will impart,  

A new dawn, a fresh start.

Verse 3

Hearts burning with a righteous rage,  

Dreaming of a freer stage.  

With every passing age,  

They pen a new page.


Tears of the enslaved, tell a tale,  

Of a ruthless storm, a deadly gale.  

Yearning for a life beyond the pale,  

A fervent hope that they'd prevail.


Rise from the ashes, claim the sky,  

Freedom’s song will never die.  

The enslaved shall fly high,  

On the wings of liberty, they’ll rely.

Unforgotten Chains

Verse 1

Silent nights in chains so cold,  

Stories of despair, yet bold.  

Under the merciless hold,  

Unyielding hearts, fiercely told.


Unforgotten chains, binding tight,  

In the shadows, out of sight.  

But in hearts, burns a light,  

Yearning for freedom's righteous flight.

Verse 2

The shackles may wound the skin,  

But can’t cage the spirit within.  

With every hardship, strength they win,  

A hope, undying, a ceaseless spin.


Unforgotten chains, binding tight,  

In the shadows, out of sight.  

But in hearts, burns a light,  

Yearning for freedom's righteous flight.


And from the chains they will arise,  

Reach for the stars, cut the ties.  

In the face of truth, falsehood dies,  

Freedom’s call, a boundless prize.

Verse 3

Hearts beat with a fervent dream,  

A world beyond the harsh regime.  

Slavery, a dark, transient theme,  

Destined to lose to freedom's scream.


Unforgotten chains, binding tight,  

In the shadows, out of sight.  

But in hearts, burns a light,  

Yearning for freedom's righteous flight.


The chains will break, the truth will speak,  

A future where the strong won’t prey on the weak.  

Unforgotten chains, a past bleak,  

But ahead, freedom’s peak.

PUBLISHED: Sep 28, 2023
Written By
Elijah Mitchell
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