Moms and the Enduring Bonds of Love: A Collection of Poems

Martin Dejnicki
Mothers are the architects of the nurturing world we grow in, offering unconditional love and guidance. These poems celebrate the myriad facets of motherhood and the indelible mark it leaves on our hearts.
3 min read
Table of contents
Mom's Embrace
Guiding Light
Lessons of Life
A Mother's Garden

Mom's Embrace

Mom's embrace, a comforting space,
Nurturing touch, that means so much.
In her arms, no fears, no alarms,
Heartbeats sing, love's unending grace.

A mom's hug, warm and snug,
Heals all wounds, silences glooms.
Soothing says, in tender ways,
That all is right, through day or night.

Her embrace is a sacred place,
A shelter from life's stormy race.
In her hold, the world's less cold,
A treasure chest, where hearts can rest.

Guiding Light

Mom, a guiding light in the dark,
Leading the way, making her mark.
With wisdom's voice, and tender hand,
She shows the path, helps us understand.

Like a lighthouse on a stormy sea,
Her love's a beacon, steadfast, free.
Through ups and downs, her glow remains,
A constant hope, in life's domains.

So here's to mom, our steadfast star,
Whose guidance has carried us far.
May we reflect, in our own flight,
The love and guidance of her light.


Handprints on the wall, a tiny tale,
From so small, she watched me scale.
A mom's patient love, with gentle cheer,
Her supportive glance, always near.

Through smudges and laughs, she saw my art,
Knew each print was a piece of my heart.
Without ire, she observed the stains,
Acknowledging growth, through these mane.

Now grown, I see, in these marks of mine,
The wisdom of mom's love, pure and fine.
Those handprints tell, of her loving fray,
A tapestry woven, every single day.

Lessons of Life

The lessons of life, from my mom, came free,
In her words of love, I learned to be.
The kindest heart, the softest smile,
A walk with her, is the worthiest mile.

Through scraped knees, and the times I fell,
In her encouragement, I found my swell.
A fortress of warmth, in the fiercest fights,
Under her wing, I reached new heights.

Mom, the teacher, whose curriculum is vast,
Gifts of the heart that forever last.
No school could teach, what she gave to me,
In her classroom of life, she set me free.

A Mother's Garden

A mother's love is like a garden vast,
With blooms that color memories past.
Each petal, delicate, holds a whisper of joy,
Her tender care, no force can destroy.

She waters each seed with tears and laughter,
Cultivating dreams, for now and after.
Through seasons she tends, her bounty grows,
In the garden of her love, affection flows.

For in this garden, we've each a plot,
Nurtured by mom, with love and thought.
Blossoming under her ever-watchful sky,
In her garden of love, we learn to fly.

PUBLISHED: Sep 20, 2024
Written By
Martin Dejnicki
I enjoy writing simple rhyming poetry that people can easily share with their loved ones. I live in Toronto with my loving wife and two curious, adventure-seeking daughters.
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