Funny Dad Jokes

Bisera Apostolova


5 min read

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

He was outstanding in his field

What do you call fake spaghetti?

An "impasta"

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground?

They woke up

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

It was two-tired

I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high

She looked surprised

What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing, they just waved

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear

Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity

It’s impossible to put down

What did the left eye say to the right eye?

Between you and me, something smells

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing

What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?


What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef

I couldn't figure out how to put my seatbelt on

Then it "clicked"

I told my computer I needed a break

It said, "No problem, I'll just freeze"

Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one

I'm friends with all electricians

We have great current connections

Why did the scarecrow become a banker?

He was great at stalking corn

I got a job at a bakery

Because I kneaded dough

Did you hear about the cheese factory explosion?

There was nothing left but de-brie

I’d tell you a construction joke

But I’m still working on it

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one

How do you organize a space party?

You planet

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

They make up everything

I used to be a baker

Because I kneaded the dough

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing

I know a lot about wind turbines

I'm a big fan

My wife asked me to sync her phone

So I threw it into the ocean

Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

It was in tents

Why don't skeletons go trick or treating?

They have no body to go with

I would tell you a joke about an elevator

But it's an uplifting experience

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it

Why was the belt arrested?

For holding up a pair of pants

Why did the chicken go to the séance?

To get to the other side

I could tell a joke about pizza

But it's a little cheesy

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field

How do you make holy water?

You boil the hell out of it

Why did the can crusher quit his job?

It was soda-pressing

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one

How do you throw a space party?

You planet

What do you call a pile of cats?

A meowtain

Why did the coffee file a police report?

It got mugged

I used to play the triangle in a reggae band

But I left because it was just one ting after another

My friend says to me, "What rhymes with orange?"

I said, "No, it doesn’t"

Why did the bicycle fall over?

It was two-tired

Why was the math book sad?

It had too many problems

Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything

I told my computer I needed a break

It said, "No problem, I'll just freeze"

Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?

All they ever said was, "Bach, Bach, Bach"

Why did the scarecrow keep getting promoted?

Because he was straw-mendous at his job

Why don't eggs tell each other secrets?

Because they might crack up

Why did the chicken go to the séance?

To get to the other side

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground?

They woke up

Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing

How do you organize a space party?

You planet

Why did the bicycle stand up by itself?

It was two-tired

Why did the scarecrow keep getting promoted?

Because he was straw-mendous at his job

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the park?

They woke up

I used to be a baker

Because I kneaded the dough

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it

I told my computer I needed a break

It said, "No problem, I'll just freeze"

Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?

All they ever said was, "Bach, Bach, Bach"

Why did the bicycle fall over?

It was two-tired

Why don’t scientists trust atoms anymore?

Because they make up everything

PUBLISHED: Sep 13, 2023


Written By
Bisera Apostolova
Digital whisperer by day, professional beach bum by weekend. Runs on code, caffeine, and unconditional love from family and furballs. Workaholic? More like worka-LOL-ic! If my life had a control-alt-delete, I'd still choose to reboot at the beach. #TechTanLines
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