Depression Quotes: Illuminating the Darkness with Words of Hope Depression is a complex and deeply personal struggle, yet through quotes, we can share the universal language of empathy and resilience. These words aim to shine a light on the darkness, offering solace and understanding to those navigating through their most challenging times.

I really had to think a bit about the best way to write an effective, “I’m leaving poem”. I’ll assume that this type of poem is usually placed in the context of a struggling relationship, where one or both individuals feel like it’s time to end it.

Sometimes we don’t mind being alone with only our thoughts and silence by our side. But other times or phases in life, being alone often feels depressing. The following alone quotes are meant to communicate both sides.

This is a poem I wrote a long time ago, but its meaning remains relevant today. May the victims of 9/11 rest in peace; they will never be forgotten.

This post features different types of sad poems and verses. If you are feeling sad, I truly hope they help you express your feelings and emotions. At the same time, if you know someone that may be feeling sad right now, these may also help that person.

This poem talks about a missing person or family member, and how sad it is for the whole family. It was written and shared by Patricia Capansky.

Today we will look at a forgiveness poem that may be used to ask someone for forgiveness. Sometimes it may be difficult to ask someone to forgive us. We may feel ashamed and guilty for our actions or words that hurt someone we care about.

This morning was a cold, cloudy, and rainy day. So I took advantage of the outside environment to create visions, which helped me write the following sad poem. It talks about feeling the emotion of sorrow, outside in the rain.

This post includes rhyming poems about loss, but more specifically, about losing a loved one. Honestly, these verses were among the most difficult to write, since they reminded me of my family and friends who have passed away.

Here is a collection of rhyming poems that talk about war and the brutality, suffering, destruction and sadness associated with wars. I hope that each word serves to remind us those who have lost their lives in the many wars throughout human history.